rules_license copied to clipboard
Similar to This ensures that contributors outside google3 have a means to easily make buildifier-clean commits. It is purely opt-in, and we assume that google3 users will have buildifier...
Currently, it is a manual process to check that the list of SPDX licenses represented by `licenses/spdx/BUILD` are up-to-date. Instead, add a CI test that checks what we have against...
## Expected Behavior It should be possible to create a `license` that does not set a `license_text`. While it's certainly not a great idea to not have a `license_text` for...
## Expected Behavior Rule Usage example: ```starlark load("@rules_license//rules:compliance.bzl", "check_license") check_license( name = "third_party_licenses", license_texts = "third_party_licenses.txt", report = "third_party_reports.txt", deps = _ROOT_TARGETS, ) ``` ## Actual Behavior ``` ERROR: C:/users/dhmem/***/BUILD:116:14:...
When you depend on a tool it should not be included in the license/metadata gathering. We have the filtering function, but it is insufficient. Some ideas: - filter any dependency...
We hold an engineering status meeting on the forth Monday of every month at 12pm USA East coast time. [Add to calendar]( / [meeting notes](
## Expected Behavior Should traverse the dependencies, and pickup all licenses ## Actual Behavior The dict is not which are not list and is converted to a list of a...
Is it possible to extend the aspect such that third party license information would be automatically populated? For example [`pip_parse`]( should expose the Python license meta information ([` license=`](, [`pyproject.toml...
## Expected Behavior All examples work. ## Actual Behavior ``` $ bazel test //examples/manifest:main_test ERROR: /workspaces/rules_license/examples/manifest/BUILD:25:15: in cmd attribute of genrule rule //examples/manifest:gen_main_manifest: label '//examples/manifest:main_manifest' in $(locations) expression expands to...
## Expected Behavior Only the path to the license file is available in the JSON. ## Actual Behavior Have the actual content of the license file available in the JSON....