bazel-gazelle copied to clipboard
no such package '@@com_github_pingcap_tidb//pkg/parser/mysql': BUILD file not found in directory 'pkg/parser/mysql'
What version of gazelle are you using?
What version of rules_go are you using?
What version of Bazel are you using?
bazel 7.3.1
Does this issue reproduce with the latest releases of all the above?
not tested
What operating system and processor architecture are you using?
What did you do?
I am following this to setup a simple bazel project.
I have a simple repo which has only one file and depends on tidb
, which is also build with bazel
The file is like this
package main
import (
func main() {
_ = codec.EncodeBytes(nil, tablecodec.EncodeRowKeyWithHandle(1, kv.IntHandle(0)))[:10]
When I try to build it, it report that BUILD file not found in directory 'pkg/parser/mysql'
, but pkg/parser/mysql
is actually another repo inside TiDB and TiDB replace it with => ./pkg/parser
. I guess the reason might be with the replace
inside TiDB, but I cannot search any useful thing using google.
I have tried building other files which depends on
, and it works.
bazel build //cmd/kv-regions
INFO: Invocation ID: 1d085997-19be-4f91-ac96-3d9650ed421b
ERROR: no such package '@@com_github_pingcap_tidb//pkg/parser/mysql': BUILD file not found in directory 'pkg/parser/mysql' of external repository @@com_github_pingcap_tidb. Add a BUILD file to a directory to mark it as a package.
ERROR: /private/var/tmp/_bazel_xxx/e4358c848742f2ce260860f15bf899aa/external/com_github_pingcap_tidb/pkg/util/codec/BUILD.bazel:3:11: no such package '@@com_github_pingcap_tidb//pkg/parser/mysql': BUILD file not found in directory 'pkg/parser/mysql' of external repository @@com_github_pingcap_tidb. Add a BUILD file to a directory to mark it as a package. and referenced by '@@com_github_pingcap_tidb//pkg/util/codec:codec'
ERROR: Analysis of target '//cmd/kv-regions:kv-regions' failed; build aborted: Analysis failed
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.181s, Critical Path: 0.00s
INFO: 1 process: 1 internal.
ERROR: Build did NOT complete successfully
What did you expect to see?
What did you see instead?