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Bzlmod: (feature request) `go_deps` new tag `overrides_from_file`

Open tyler-french opened this issue 11 months ago • 1 comments

Currently, Uber's MODULE.bazel file has 40+ overrides, and this number will only grow. The proposal is this: allow overrides to be specified in file(s):



Currently, code reviewer ability in our codebase is based on file location. Having different overrides in different locations will allow more automation around pruning/adjusting overrides, while also spreading the responsibilities for review to different users and groups.

tyler-french avatar Sep 07 '23 20:09 tyler-french

We definitely need something like this, but I think the result would be much better if it was a universal mechanism. Could you add a comment on to revive the discussion there?

fmeum avatar Sep 08 '23 08:09 fmeum