Incompatible flag --incompatible_load_python_rules_from_bzl will break rules_appengine once Bazel 1.2.1 is released. Please see the following CI builds for more information: * [:ubuntu: 18.04 (OpenJDK 11)](:ubuntu: 18.04 (OpenJDK 11)) * [:ubuntu:...
Incompatible flag --incompatible_load_java_rules_from_bzl will break rules_appengine once Bazel 1.2.1 is released. Please see the following CI builds for more information: * [:ubuntu: 18.04 (OpenJDK 11)](:ubuntu: 18.04 (OpenJDK 11)) * [:ubuntu:...
Incompatible flag --incompatible_disable_target_provider_fields will break rules_sass once Bazel 1.2.1 is released. Please see the following CI builds for more information: * [:windows: (OpenJDK 8)](:windows: (OpenJDK 8)) * [:ubuntu: 16.04 (OpenJDK...
Incompatible flag --incompatible_no_implicit_file_export will be enabled by default in a future Bazel release [1], thus breaking rules_sass. The flag is documented here: Please check the following CI builds for...
Incompatible flag --incompatible_load_python_rules_from_bzl will break rules_sass once Bazel 1.2.1 is released. Please see the following CI builds for more information: * [:ubuntu: 16.04 (OpenJDK 8)](:ubuntu: 16.04 (OpenJDK 8)) * [:ubuntu:...
Incompatible flag --incompatible_restrict_string_escapes will break rules_sass once Bazel 1.2.1 is released. Please see the following CI builds for more information: * [:windows: (OpenJDK 8)](:windows: (OpenJDK 8)) * [:ubuntu: 16.04 (OpenJDK...
Incompatible flag --incompatible_use_platforms_repo_for_constraints will break rules_sass once Bazel 1.2.1 is released. Please see the following CI builds for more information: * [:windows: (OpenJDK 8)](:windows: (OpenJDK 8)) * [:ubuntu: 16.04 (OpenJDK...
Incompatible flag --incompatible_load_cc_rules_from_bzl will break rules_sass once Bazel 1.2.1 is released. Please see the following CI builds for more information: * [:ubuntu: 16.04 (OpenJDK 8)](:ubuntu: 16.04 (OpenJDK 8)) * [:ubuntu:...
Incompatible flag --incompatible_no_implicit_file_export will break rules_sass once Bazel 1.2.1 is released. Please see the following CI builds for more information: * [:windows: (OpenJDK 8)](:windows: (OpenJDK 8)) * [:ubuntu: 16.04 (OpenJDK...
Incompatible flag --incompatible_no_implicit_file_export will be enabled by default in a future Bazel release [1], thus breaking rules_d. The flag is documented here: Please check the following CI builds for...