electron-notifications copied to clipboard
Any love for the old light theme?
I really liked the light theme personally. I will likely create a fork with a more chromelike notification style in time personally, but for people who are not inclined to do something like that it would be helpful maybe.
I think dark vs light really depends on the application you're building. Both are nice.
@Slapbox I liked the theme as well, but it's not cross platform. If you want we could morph the current theme into a light theme and give the option for light/dark and possibly a "css" option for custom themes.
What about it wasn't cross platform?
By the way, I discovered there is an Electron function, systemPreferences.isAeroGlassEnabled()
to determine if transparency is supported. I remember transparency causing some issues. This could enable a seamless solution with and without transparency.
So if transparency is turned on, we could use the old light theme, and if not use the new dark theme? Sounds a little weird to change the entire layout it based on that.
It was a transparency issue, and it looked ugly without transparency so I had my friend create a new notification style that looked good without transparency all together, which happened to be dark.
Certainly not saying we need transparency, I just recall seeing it was causing issues. I was not aware of the function to check for support until recently.
Was the transparency the only thing that made the old design unworkable crossplatform?
Correct. Before, we made it transparent and added the dropshadow via CSS so it was consistent across platforms. ]:
+1 for the idea of applying custom styles - something simple perhaps like pass in a path to a custom stylesheet to link? I'm about to try customisation by injecting a stylesheet into the window, but it would be really convenient to have that in the api.
Thanks for the great library!