signalserver copied to clipboard
Error when running ./
Error reads as such:
WARNING: The FILES_VOLUME_PATH variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
Creating volume "signalserver_dbdata" with default driver
Creating volume "signalserver_files" with default driver
ERROR: create .: volume name is too short, names should be at least two alphanumeric characters
I've tried making and also associating the /data and /files directories but that doesn't seem to help. Also, I opened up the permissions to /files completely, 777.
Did you set FILES_VOLUME_PATH=/files? It is written in README. Either you can set an environmental variable, or you can create the .env file. Please let me know if it doesn't work still.
Yup I tried it with that and without it, and with open permissions. I pulled the latest and am trying again!
No, I still get the same error.
I ran everything as the README suggests and also tried running quickstart by un-commenting out the first couple of lines, but still the same error!
Hmm, that's a problem. Did you update docker? I am sure you did but just in case you made sure that FILES_VOLUME_PATH is set right?
AFAIK I haven't updated Docker and it hasn't set itself to autoupdate, nor has my Mac (maybe). I set FILES_VOLUME_PATH in a few ways... I tried without, with the .env, and with calling it and && ./
Can you update Docker and try it again?
I'm just going to use the test instance for now and hope this improves in the future.