Kevin Shenk
Kevin Shenk
Hey team, congrats on making it to 5.1! Okay, this might be a bit "far out", but I've known this team to be ambitious, so here goes... [Cloudflare Tunnels are...
Ubuntu 14.04 Jammy ships the with Certbot V1+, unlike previous versions of Ubuntu. Could we switch over for this version of Ubuntu? The DPKGs take up a lot less space...
It would be really useful if we could define global styling for basic HTML elements globally (and/or based on an additional "Builder Theme" abstraction layer). I suggest that this include...
It would be great to have versioning available for the designs. Both pages and components would benefit from this, IMO. Here's my suggestion: - [ ] Enable change tracking on...
Here are two major improvements that could be made to units support, as it occurs to me: - [ ] Allow for setting a global default unit in the settings,...
Numeric inputs would be improved via increment shortcuts. I propose that keyboard incrementing (up/down keys) is a must, and mouse wheel/scrolling incrementing be considered as well.
Frappe framework provides both a server side and client side Jinja-API ([specially Html Templates In Javascript with a Jinja-like syntax]( on client-side). This would be really useful in Builder, both...
Manually re-syncing components is not ideal in every scenario. I propose an "auto-sync" boolean option be added to global components that would be used to force a re-sync automatically any...
The way components work in Builder is growing on me... I appreciate the idea that nested blocks within a component can have their properties overridden at any level individually in...
A global color palette would greatly enhance the builder experience and design management capabilities. A few suggestions: - [ ] Add a "Site Colors" global config pane to the "Settings"...