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Broken image, language and page settings issues

Open trueman61 opened this issue 4 years ago • 8 comments


1- Images in the pages list are broken and the selected language does not show.

Broken Image and Language

2- Unable to display content area and seo option tools. Also, I get the warning when choosing a different template or language.

Content, Seo Area and Other

trueman61 avatar Dec 21 '19 22:12 trueman61

The warning is perfectly normal. It reloads the page without saving any changes you might have done. This is why you get this warning message

batiste avatar Dec 24 '19 15:12 batiste

I also failed to reproduce any of the issues you reported. Could you please give more details on how you are running the software? Are you running the example CMS?

batiste avatar Dec 24 '19 15:12 batiste

Thanks you for the answer. I using django v2.2.7, work in localhost. I had the same problems when I installed it from scratch outside my project.

trueman61 avatar Dec 25 '19 01:12 trueman61

Could give a precise instructions on how you did use and install the CMS? What are your running? Are you using virtualenv? Windows, mac or Linux? Which version of the CMS did you install? Package or local build?

batiste avatar Dec 31 '19 11:12 batiste

I'm install it according to the documents.

I'm using; virtualenv, Windwos 10, Django 2.2.7

trueman61 avatar Dec 31 '19 20:12 trueman61

Are you using an old version of IE like IE11?

I see javascript error in the admin with IE11 (SEO options thing)... This CMS doesn't try very hard to be compatible with old IE...

But the rest seemed to work fine with me on a fresh install on Windows 7, latest Python version

Screenshot 2020-01-03 at 14 30 51

batiste avatar Jan 03 '20 13:01 batiste

I am not using IE. I'm using Chrome. He works for you. I have a problem, but I can't solve it.

Here are the codes I added:

path('pages', include('pages.urls')),




PAGE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = 'pages/index.html'

# Default language code for this installation. All choices can be found here:

# This is defined here as a do-nothing function because we can't import
# django.utils.translation -- that module depends on the settings.
gettext_noop = lambda s: s

# here is all the languages supported by the CMS
    ('de', gettext_noop('German')),
    ('fr', gettext_noop('Français')),
    ('en', gettext_noop('US English')),
    ('tr', gettext_noop('TR Turkish')),

languages = list(PAGE_LANGUAGES)

# redefine the LANGUAGES setting in order to be sure to have the correct request.LANGUAGE_CODE
LANGUAGES = languages

    ('pages/nice.html', 'nice one'),
    ('pages/cool.html', 'cool one'),




trueman61 avatar Jan 03 '20 17:01 trueman61

If the images do not load, maybe do a little bit of investigation. Open the images link in your browser to see where they are supposed to be and why they are not there...

Did you collect static files? Did you setup correctly?

Could you do a bit of browser debugging with the SEO things? Do you get any errors in the browser console?

batiste avatar Jan 05 '20 10:01 batiste