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When editing a page, admin forms forget title/slug/etc

Open ajrouvoet opened this issue 8 years ago • 6 comments

Steps to reproduce

  1. create a page using the django admin.
  2. click on the page title

The page has no title/slug/language set in the edit form.

ajrouvoet avatar Apr 13 '16 11:04 ajrouvoet

I can't really reproduce. Could you give me more information? How do you run the software? Give me as much details as possible.

batiste avatar Apr 13 '16 13:04 batiste

This behavior seems to happen when user create or open the sub locale pages about slug. But I couldn't reproduce this about title or language. Why slug field is located on Content model? I guess this field should be located on Page model.

stakemura avatar Apr 26 '16 09:04 stakemura

I discovered some bugs. Maybe that would fix your problems:

All the translatable fields are located in the content model... Because they need to be translatable.

batiste avatar Apr 26 '16 16:04 batiste

I apologize for the insufficient explanation. I see your point. I often use '{% show_content "slug_name" request.LANGUAGE_CODE %}' in template. Since if admin doesn't change slug by default when create or open the sub locale pages, it will become more convenient for me.

stakemura avatar Apr 28 '16 04:04 stakemura

@stakemura Sorry but I still understand anything. You need to be more precise about what you are doing, what you are expecting to see, and what you see.

batiste avatar Apr 28 '16 09:04 batiste

Ok. After the above fix is comitted, I will show you by code.

stakemura avatar Apr 29 '16 01:04 stakemura