Bas Kamer
Bas Kamer
Seems to run fine with 3.20... For me that means I'm going to spend time upgrading my application and continue to use ember-bootstrap in an unofficially supported way...
It's complicated. I found this article outlining the behavior. a single input and no present button[type=submit] *does* trigger a form.submit multiple inputs and no present button[type=submit] will *not* trigger...
After upgrading from e 3.20 to e 3.21 I am seeying this bug too. Even with the proposed fix in e-b 4.6.3 Any news on upgrading ember any further solves...
I've been attempting to copy my app and strip everything to the bone so only a form remains. Unfortunately the error does not appear there inside this stripped application... (grrr)....
Np. Shall test soon.
Looks like 4.9.0 solved my issues. Thank you guys! Not seen a single computation issue...
Hi, can I aid in moving this forward? It is kind of needed functionality...
@simonihmig I do not really have a solution in mind as I do not completely understand how this all works together... I totally understand if you can't work on this...
Hi @simonihmig Did you happen to figure out a way to move this forward?
To answer myself; just use an onUpdateSorts action and transition into a new route. ``` @action onUpdateSorts(sorts) { this.router.transitionTo(this.router.currentRouteName, { queryParams: { page: 1, sort: Sorting.toQueryValue(sorts) } }); } ```