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Democratizing WordPress Hosting - Deployment with Vagrant and EC2 using Chef + Apache / Nginx
I'm transitioning all of my working chef recipes for WordPress into a single install utility. Basically this is a shortcut to setting up a Wordpress dev & production environment using Vagrant on VirtualBox (Locally) & EC2 (Remotely) provisioned with Chef. Updated to support Vagrant 2 (1.2) configuration.
Development Strategy
Apache Beta: Currently working
Deploys cookbook both to Vagrant and EC2
Nginx Beta: Currently working.
Deploys cookbook both to Vagrant and EC2
Redis Alpha: Currently working.
Deploys cookbook both to Vagrant and EC2 with Redis Caching
Distributed Concept: Currently Under Development.
I have the chef script to do distributed but I have to rewrite it to have it work with Vagrant.
One: Install Vagrant 1.2.2.
Two: Clone this repository.
git clone https://github.com/bastosmichael/WP-Chef.git
Three: Install desired Vagrant Plugins
#For AWS Deployment
vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
vagrant plugin install vagrant-awsinfo
#For Rackspace Deployment
vagrant plugin install vagrant-rackspace
Four: Copy Apache or Nginx Vagrantfile
cp Vagrantfile.apache Vagrantfile #For Apache Setup
cp Vagrantfile.nginx Vagrantfile #For Nginx Setup
cp Vagrantfile.redis Vagrantfile #For Redis Setup
Five: Configure Vagrantfile for Production.
# You may need to change to a dummy box the first time you run it
config.vm.box = "dummy"
config.vm.box_url = "https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant-aws/raw/master/dummy.box"
# Add your configurations for AWS Deployment
aws.access_key_id = "YOUR KEY"
aws.secret_access_key = "YOUR SECRET KEY"
aws.keypair_name = "KEYPAIR NAME"
override.ssh.private_key_path = "PATH TO YOUR PRIVATE KEY"
# Add your configurations for RackSpace Deployment
rs.username = "YOUR USERNAME"
rs.api_key = "YOUR API KEY"
# Lockdown your system database for apache (:server_root_password is database password)
"dbhost" => "localhost",
"database" => "wordpressdb",
"dbuser" => "wordpressuser",
:server_root_password => "YOUR RANDOM PASSWORD",
:server_repl_password => "YOUR RANDOM PASSWORD",
:server_debian_password => "YOUR RANDOM PASSWORD"
# Lockdown your system database for nginx & redis ("server_root_password" is database password)
"dbhost" => "localhost",
"database" => "wordpressdb",
"dbuser" => "wordpressuser",
"server_root_password" => "password",
Six: Vagrant up to deploy locally.
cd wp-chef
vagrant up
#This takes a few minutes
Configure your blog at [http://localhost:8000/wp-admin/install.php](http://localhost:8000/wp-admin/install.php).
Seven: Vagrant up to deploy to Remote Service.
# For AWS Deployment, may take a few minutes
cd wp-chef
vagrant up --provider=aws
vagrant awsinfo -k host
# Use vagrant awsinfo -m default -p to view all the instance data
# For Rackspace Deployment, may take a few minutes
cd wp-chef
vagrant up --provider=rackspace
Configure your blog at [http://YOUR_HOST/wp-admin/install.php](http://YOUR_HOST/wp-admin/install.php).