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Error loading libzmq
When I use the command "matlab = transplant.Matlab()",the error "Error loading libzmq" occur in matlab command window.
Error in matlab command window: Error loading libzmq: unable to preprocess input file. The output generated by the preprocessor is: the system cannot find the specified path.
The versions of my matlab and my python are 2015rb and python3.6, respectively.
Thank you
I install zeromq by "conda install zeromq".
This is my zeromq zeromq 4.1.3 vc14_1 [vc14]
What operating system are you using?
I use windows 10.
I am confused. Is this the default anaconda zeromq?
Transplant only searches for libzmq in the default install locations. If yours is not the default anaconda zeromq, it probably won't find it. Does it work if you install the regular libzmq from here: (again, at its default install location)?
I download zeromq form and I select Visual Studio 15 2017 x64 in Windows but I can not install it. Because I can not find the setup.exe or the libzmq.exe and all files in its directory are shown as follows.
Can you help me? Thank you
benchmark_radix_tree.exe inproc_lat.exe inproc_thr.exe libsodium.dll libzmq-v141-mt-4_3_2.dll libzmq-v141-mt-4_3_2.lib libzmq-v141-mt-s-4_3_2.lib local_lat.exe local_thr.exe proxy_thr.exe remote_lat.exe remote_thr.exe test_ancillaries.exe test_app_meta.exe test_atomics.exe test_base85.exe test_bind_after_connect_tcp.exe test_bind_src_address.exe test_capabilities.exe test_client_server.exe test_conflate.exe test_connect_resolve.exe test_connect_rid.exe test_ctx_destroy.exe test_ctx_options.exe test_dgram.exe test_diffserv.exe test_disconnect_inproc.exe test_heartbeats.exe test_hwm.exe test_hwm_pubsub.exe test_immediate.exe test_inproc_connect.exe test_invalid_rep.exe test_iov.exe test_issue_566.exe test_last_endpoint.exe test_many_sockets.exe test_metadata.exe test_mock_pub_sub.exe test_monitor.exe test_msg_ffn.exe test_msg_flags.exe test_pair_inproc.exe test_pair_tcp.exe test_poller.exe test_probe_router.exe test_pub_invert_matching.exe test_radio_dish.exe test_reconnect_ivl.exe test_reqrep_device.exe test_reqrep_inproc.exe test_reqrep_tcp.exe test_req_correlate.exe test_req_relaxed.exe test_router_handover.exe test_router_mandatory.exe test_router_notify.exe test_scatter_gather.exe test_security_curve.exe test_security_no_zap_handler.exe test_security_null.exe test_security_plain.exe test_security_zap.exe test_setsockopt.exe test_shutdown_stress.exe test_socket_null.exe test_sockopt_hwm.exe test_sodium.exe test_spec_dealer.exe test_spec_pushpull.exe test_spec_rep.exe test_spec_req.exe test_spec_router.exe test_srcfd.exe test_stream.exe test_stream_disconnect.exe test_stream_empty.exe test_stream_timeout.exe test_sub_forward.exe test_system.exe test_term_endpoint.exe test_thread_safe.exe test_timeo.exe test_timers.exe test_unbind_wildcard.exe test_xpub_manual.exe test_xpub_manual_last_value.exe test_xpub_nodrop.exe test_xpub_verbose.exe test_xpub_welcome_msg.exe unittest_ip_resolver.exe unittest_mtrie.exe unittest_poller.exe unittest_radix_tree.exe unittest_udp_address.exe unittest_ypipe.exe zmq.h
Interesting. It seems they changed their distribution method, and no longer ship an installer.
In that case, take libsodium.dll and libzmq-v141-mt-4_3_2.dll, rename the latter to libzmq.dll and put both of them somewhere in your PATH, or next to your python program.