lineburst icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
lineburst copied to clipboard

Plot functions and draw large amounts of debug lines, shapes and text to the Unity game and scene view



Plot functions and draw large amounts of debug lines, shapes and text to the Unity Game and Scene View, from BURST compiled jobs or MonoBehaviours.


If OpenUpm is not installed, ensure node.js is installed so you have access to npm and run:

npm install -g openupm-cli

To add LineBurst to a Unity project, open a prompt in the project root and run:

openupm add com.bassmit.lineburst

Getting Started

Create a LineBurstRenderer behaviour, then use the thread safe static APIs like:

Draw.Line(a, b,;

When the amount of elements to be drawn is known allocate the required buffer in one operation:

var spheres = new Draw.Spheres(amount);
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
    spheres.Draw(points[i], radii[i], colors[i]);

For additional examples install the Samples through the package manager, or check out the master branch which contains a 2021.3 LTS Unity project.


The default font is missing lower case letters and many signs, a basic editor is provided in the scene view when a font is selected, pull requests are welcome ; ) The Unity Physics package forms the basis of this package.