Bootstrap-3-Typeahead icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Bootstrap-3-Typeahead copied to clipboard

The Typeahead plugin from Twitter's Bootstrap 2 ready to use with Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4

Results 103 Bootstrap-3-Typeahead issues
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I have a use case where I want to generalize my afterSelect function for multiple typeaheads. I need to have access to the input element. Since I am wanting to...

Hi guys: Is there any way I can set the select value(json) of typeahead ? eg: `input.typeahead('defaultSelect',3) # 3 was the id num.`

The 3.x versions start with `v`, while the newer 4.x versions start without an `v`. ![image](

I'm just wondering how someone goes about filtering results? I can't seem to find anything in the documentation that deals with this. Is it even possible?

I use this code var languagesSource = new Bloodhound( { datumTokenizer: function (datum) { return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(datum.value); }, queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, remote: { url: "http://localhost/languages.php?PHPSESSID=4qjiv6gchdp4n8uk7gpvt7ghue&format=json&language=%QUERY", wildcard: '%QUERY', } }); languagesSource.initialize(); $('#languages').typeahead( {...

Hello, Is there a way where I can disable the item selection just like in select2? I would like to skip/not select the item if it is disabled while pressing...

By reading the unminified source code, I found the `menu` option. However, this option doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere in the documentation.

Does anyone have any examples of how addItem being a link to open a window to register through a modal?

Is there a callback function available when typeahead has finished initalizing ? If not can you pleas add one ? Thank you :)

In Twitter Bootstrap there is support for multiple selections (See How can this be done here with Bootstrap-3-Typeahead? There are no attributes or options like 'multiple' or 'delimiter'. Maybe...