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adaptive_lighting.set_manual_control doesn't have the expected outcome
I have a series of Philips Hue 4 button switches, and have traditionally used the "dim" button to set the lights to 1% brightness, no matter their current state. (eg if they're off, they turn on with 1% brightness).
This works fine with adaptive lighting if the lights are already on, but if the lights are off, the act of turning them on triggers adaptive lighting. I've tried working around this by setting "adaptive_lighting.set_manual_control" to "true" in my automation before calling the "dim" scene but it doesn't seem to work - the lights still come on at "full" brightness.
Example automation below.
- id: '1604357677300'
alias: Kids Room Switch - Button 2 Hold
description: ''
- platform: event
event_type: deconz_event
id: kids_room_switch
event: 2003
condition: []
- service: adaptive_lighting.set_manual_control
manual_control: true
lights: light.kids_room
entity_id: switch.adaptive_lighting_home
- scene: scene.kids_room_dim
mode: single
That sounds like a bug, could you perhaps turn on logging and share the logs after the problem occurs? See
Log attached. The bedroom lights are off, and the log starts when I press automation which turns on the "turn on at 1% brightness" scene (excerpted below). adaptive_lighting_log.txt
- id: 'BedroomDim'
name: Bedroom Dim
icon: mdi:lightbulb-off-outline
brightness: 1
state: 'on'
brightness: 1
state: 'on'
I have the exact same issue. Set up an automation to enable manual control of certain light on button press, manual control shows up as “working” when checking the switch, hover the lights keep getting adapted.
Edit: in fact, when changing the settings of adaptive_lighting, neither “take_over_control” or “detect_non_ha_changes” seems to stop lights from being adapted. The only setting that stops adaption is “only_once”
FYI @RichEsq I’ve found a way around it for now by enabling/disabling the adaptive lighting switch of the corresponding room. Something like:
alias: 'Living Room: Tradfri Switch (Long Press)'
- platform: event
event_type: deconz_event
id: woonkamer_tradfri_remote_control
event: 1001
- service: switch.turn_off
data: {}
entity_id: switch.adaptive_lighting_living_room
And then automatically enabling the switch back on whenever lights are turned off to re-enable adaptive lighting:
alias: 'Living Room: Reset Adaptive Lighting'
- platform: device
type: turned_off
device_id: 4c37fd7e0cb111eb826f5323cf794da0
entity_id: light.woonkamer
domain: light
- service: switch.turn_on
data: {}
entity_id: switch.adaptive_lighting_living_room
Not perfect (if you have multiple lights or rooms in a single adaptive lighting instance they’ll lose adaptive lighting as well), but usable (I’ve split them up per room) until the bug is fixed
Issue persists in latest version (008c5e4), set_manual_control doesn’t seem to be doing anything.
@gvssr, could you elaborate on that please?
In both my personal setup and in the tests the adaptive_lighting.set_manual_control
seems to work just fine. Perhaps you are not using it correctly?
@basnijholt Maybe I’m doing it wrong or having the wrong expectations. Example I just tried:
Setup 1 adaptive lighting integration, setup for 2 lights. only_once is not enabled, meaning they should continuingly adapt even after having been turned on. The interval for this is the default 90 seconds.
Steps I use the service adaptive_lighting.set_manual_control to set manual control for one of the lights. As follows:
service: adaptive_lighting.set_manual_control
entity_id: switch.adaptive_lighting_woonkamer
manual_control: true
lights: light.woonkamer_eettafel_lamp
I can see it succeeded when I open up the entity switch.adaptive_lighting_woonkamer, which notes manual control is set for light.woonkamer_eettafel_lamp. I change the brightness of that lamp using HA.
Expected behavior light.woonkamer_eettafel_lamp stays at the brightness I just set.
Actual behavior After 90 seconds light.woonkamer_eettafel_lamp gets adapted and returns to the integration’s brightness.
I think this may be related, as it's also related to manual control - if I set a light to manual control while it is off, when it is turned on, it automatically gets called to adaptive lighting, even though it was already marked as manually controlled. This seems counterintuitive to the readme where it says:
This mechanism works by listening to all light.turn_on calls that change the color or brightness and by noting that the component did not make the call.
If an automation or scene is calling the light (especially if calling it with custom values), that would suggest that it is manually controlled, right?
There doesn't seem to be a good workaround for this in the case of the transition from a light being off to wanting it to go directly to a RGB color, for example.
If it´s not a bug, my proposal from
I still vote for adaptive lightning detecting if lights are turned on with custom settings and setting manual mode for those lights automatically (as it does when changes are detected when lights are on). That would save a lot of headache and many lines of YAML code.
Currently I´m testing to apply the manual_control in my automation, for the moment it seems to work:
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: device
type: is_off
device_id: [removed]
entity_id: light.light_bulb
domain: light
- service: adaptive_lighting.set_manual_control
manual_control: true
lights: light.light_bulb
entity_id: switch.adaptive_lighting
- service: light.turn_on
brightness_pct: 100
transition: 1
entity_id: light.light_bulb
- conditions:
- condition: device
type: is_on
device_id: [removed]
entity_id: light.light_bulb
domain: light
- type: turn_off
device_id: [revmoved]
entity_id: light.light_bulb
domain: light
- service: adaptive_lighting.set_manual_control
manual_control: false
lights: light.light_bulb
entity_id: switch.adaptive_lighting
Use-Case is in
I'm currently in the process of doing version 2. This will be added/fixed.
Keep this ticket open until you can verify that it's properly working in the upcoming version 2.
I've confirmed this is fixed in the current version.