pypylon icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pypylon copied to clipboard

Traceback error: Failed to read memory at 0x40668, 0x4 bytes. The control channel is already disconnected. (0xE1000016) : RuntimeException thrown (file 'GxPort.cpp', line 91)

Open AbhishekDarana opened this issue 3 years ago • 3 comments

So I have been running cameras multiple times and then I encounter this error Traceback error: Failed to read memory at 0x40668, 0x4 bytes. The control channel is already disconnected. (0xE1000016) : RuntimeException thrown (file 'GxPort.cpp', line 91) Could you just help me out with what this is actually?

AbhishekDarana avatar Oct 04 '20 05:10 AbhishekDarana

do you encounter the same in pylonviewer? typically this is due to network settings errors

thiesmoeller avatar Dec 01 '20 09:12 thiesmoeller

When using pylonviewer i use camera in continuous mode....even then i dont see such issues

AbhishekDarana avatar Feb 03 '21 08:02 AbhishekDarana

Hi folks, I am facing with the same issue by using the pylon C++ SDK and really have no idea why it get thrown when I call CInstantCamera::StartGrabbing Under what circumstances does it happen for you?

martonmiklos avatar Jul 15 '21 20:07 martonmiklos