bspwm copied to clipboard
It looks like #683
I have been trying to figure out what's happening for some time now, looking at that post, I saw the command "bspc subscribe --fifo".
It's been freezing randomly for weeks now almost every day, but it reliably freezes when I run that command, and it unfreezes when I cat or tail the file it points me too (/run/user/1000/bspwm_fifo.
See #1318. Do you also use polybar with the player-mpris-tail module?
See #1318. Do you also use polybar with the player-mpris-tail module?
forgot to mention that issue, no I don't use this module, and during one freeze I killed polybar to see if that was the case, but no
Do bspc
commands also never execute when it's frozen? If you open something like htop, are bspc processes piling up?
commands also never execute when it's frozen? If you open something like htop, are bspc processes piling up?
not sure what you mean by piling up, but when I try to execute a bspc command, it just never responds
Yeah that's what I mean: in my case, focus-follows-pointer is enabled, meaning it will execute a bspc command every time I move my cursor over another window (to put that new window in focus). Every one of those commands never respond, resulting in a big list of bspc commands never getting executed. This list of processes is easy to see in htop, that's what I mean by piling up.
Yeah that's what I mean: in my case, focus-follows-pointer is enabled, meaning it will execute a bspc command every time I move my cursor over another window (to put that new window in focus). Every one of those commands never respond, resulting in a big list of bspc commands never getting executed. This list of processes is easy to see in htop, that's what I mean by piling up.
ye it just happened again, and running ps aux | grep bspc from the tty, it shows way too many bspc commands
I just spent 30 minutes inside the tty trying stuff to unfreeze bspwm, killing basically all processes one by one to see if I find a faulty one, but nothing, it's getting more and more frustrating
It's strange because I had the same issue last year almost every day, but I haven't experienced the problem for months now.
What does lsof -p$(pgrep -x bspwm)
output? Try the command once it freezes, and compare it to the output when it's running normally.
It's strange because I had the same issue last year almost every day, but I haven't experienced the problem for months now.
What does
lsof -p$(pgrep -x bspwm)
output? Try the command once it freezes, and compare it to the output when it's running normally.
It stopped here too, no idea why is it, but for the last 5 days, I haven't experienced a freeze, while it used to happen every day, and NOTHING changed on my system
It's strange because I had the same issue last year almost every day, but I haven't experienced the problem for months now.
What does
lsof -p$(pgrep -x bspwm)
output? Try the command once it freezes, and compare it to the output when it's running normally.
well well, It just happened again, one more freaking freeze. And the output to that command looked exactly like when it's working normally
Seems like I've just faced this freeze myself. But thanks I looked at this issue earlier, I knew what to look for. My "uptime" was several days though.
So it's interesting.. In my case it seems it was triggered by a new state of the script
module (once I got a new notification on GitHub):
if [ x"$1" == x"corp" ]; then
access_token=`cat ~/.config/github/polybar.corp.token`
access_token=`cat ~/.config/github/polybar.token`
while [ $page -gt 0 ]; do
count_c=$(curl -s -m 10 --retry 3 -H "Authorization: token ${access_token}" "${location_url}?page=${page}" | jq -r 'if length == 0 then 0 else [.[] | select(.unread == true)] | length end' 2> /dev/null)
if [ -z "$count_c" ]; then
echo "N/A"
let count=count+count_c
if [ $count_p -eq $count ]; then
if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$count"
if [ x"$1" == x"corp" ]; then
echo "%{F${color}}$count%{F-}"
let page++
but, similarly to #1318, killing polybar didn't help, and what did was killing this script still running from another polybar script
STATE="$(dirname $0)/.nd.state"
state() {
if [ ! -f "${STATE}" ]; then
echo "%{F#555}%{F-} active"
echo "%{F#bd2c40}%{F-} paused"
toggle() {
if [ -f "${STATE}" ]; then
pkill -USR2 -x dunst && rm "${STATE}" && notify-send "...dunst resumed"
notify-send -t 1000 "pausing dunst..." && sleep 1 && pkill -USR1 -x dunst && touch "${STATE}"
exit 0
trap "toggle" USR1
while :; do
sleep 1 &
I wonder if @patrick96 has any ideas on what might be the cause and how to debug this better.
cc @baskerville @emanuele6
Well... It happened again. Just bought a new laptop, installed Arco Linux, then bspwm, started setting everything up and then freeze... But this time I could reproduce the freeze by running update-grub, everytime I run it, the window manager freezes, but it's not limited to it, some times it freezes out of nowhere, like before... I have bspwm and kde installed, this grub freeze only happens on bspwm, I can run update-grub, grub customizer, and everything works fine under kde. (The freezes start by making my unable control the window manager, my mouse stops focusing new windows, I cant spawn or kill any window, but can still move my mouse and type into the window that was focused before the freeze, I can even spawn windows that's not managed, like rofi, but after like 30 seconds, it completely freezes, I can't even move the mouse or enter a tty)
@D3SK3R Can you include some logs?
@D3SK3R Can you include some logs?
After some hours of trying different stuff, I found out that the problem was actually the nvidia driver, using the normal 'nvidia', it would freeze every time I tried to change something in grub, it stopped happening when I changed to nvidia-dkms. So we are back to the old freezes, bspwm still freezes out of nowhere, apparently randomly.