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React Redux Tutorial - Build ECommerce Shopping Cart In 5 Hours
Build ECommerce Shopping Cart by React & Redux 2020 Edition
Get 90% Discount On This Course At Udemy
What you’ll learn
- Design Shopping Cart Using HTML and CSS
- Implement React Components For Product List, Filter, Cart
- Managing Component State using Redux, React-Redux and - Redux-Thunk
- Creating Animations Using React-Reveal and Add Routes using React-Routers
- Build Backend using Node, Express, MongoDB and Mongoose
- Publish Project on the Heroku and MongoDB Atlas
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
- Basic HTML and CSS
- Basic JavaScript
Who this course is for:
- Javascript developers
- Web Developers
- Freelancers
- Programming Students
Table Of Content
- Introduction
- Fully-Functional Shopping Cart
- Instant Feedback
- Animated and Intuitive Design
- List Products
- Sort Products By Price High or Low
- Filter Products by Size
- Open Modal By Click on Product
- Add Product To Cart using Animation
- Handle Multiple Click By Adding More Items
- Remove Product
- Show Checkout Form
- Create Order with user friendly id
- Admin Section to see list of products
- Using postman to add or remove products and orders
- Tools and Technologies
- JavaScript (arrow functions, array functions, spread Operators, ...)
- React (react-touter-dom, react-reveal, react-modal)
- Redux (react-redux, redux-thunk)
- Node (express, body-parser, Environment Variables, nodemon)
- MongoDB ( mongoose, shortid)
- VS Code (ES6 Snippets, ES7 React Extension, ESLint Extension,CSS Peek)
- Chrome ( React Developer Tools, Redux Developer Tools)
- Git (create repo, commit, remote, create and push branch)
- Github (create repo, connect to local repo, pull request and merge)
- Postman ( send get, post, put and delete requests to apis)
- Deployment ( Heroku, MongoDB Atlas Cloud)
- Create React App
- Open VS Code and open terminal
- cd Desktop
- npx create-react-app react-shopping-cart
- Remove unused files
- Convert App.js Class Component
- Add header, main and footer
- Update index.css to add grid
- Project Development Workflow
- Create Google Spreadsheet
- Add columns Feature, Description, State, and Duration
- Enter Products Component, Show list of products, Open, 2
- Add Time ? Hours, Rate 30 USD/Hours, Cost ? USD
- Add All Features
- Create Github account
- Create new repository
- Add it as remote repository in VS Code
- Commit changes
- Push changes on github
- Start => create new feature Feature 1 in google spreadsheet
- Create a new branch feature-1 for test the workflow
- Add "// branch feature 1" in App.js Line 1
- Commit with message "feature 1"
- Click publish changes
- Open repository page on github
- Create pull request
- Merge pull request
- In VS Code switch to master and Sync changes
- End => Loop from step 11 for next feature
- Introduction
- Products Component
- Create data.json {products:[{_id, title, ...}]
- Update App.js to import data.json
- div.content {flex, wrap}
- div.main {flex: 3 60rem}
- div.sidebar {flex: 1 20rem;}
- Create components/Products.js component
- Add it to div.main in App.js and set products props
- ul.products {flex,center, center,warp, p:0,m:0, style:none}
- => li.key={p._id} {flex, p:1, m:1, none,h:47}
- div.product { flex, column, space-between, h:100%}
- a href="#" > img {max-width, max-height:37} + p {p.title}
- div.product-price > div.product.price + button.button.primary Add to cart
- product-price {flex, space-between, center}
- div {p.price} flex: 1; align: center; size: 2rem
- button.button.primary Add To Cart
- Filter Component
- Create components/Filter.js
- Add it above Products component in App.js
- Update Filter.js render
- div.filter {flex, wrap, p,m:1rem, border-bottom: .1rem}
- filter-result {this.props.filteredProducts.length}
- filter-sort {flex:1}
- label Order select value=this.props.sort
- onChange= this.props.sortProducts(e.t.value)
- option lowestprice Lowest, ...
- filter-size {flex:1}
- label Filter select value=this.props.size
- onChange= this.props.filterProducts(e.t.value)
- option "" ALL, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL
- App.js
- Add Filter Component
- Cart Component
- Set Active Task Management Spreadsheet
- Create branch cart-component
- Product.js
- Handle "Add To Cart" to this.props.addToCart(product)
- App.js
- Add cartItems to state as []
- Create addToCart(product)
- Slice, Check product existance, add to cartitems
- Cart.js
- Define cartItems from this.props
- Check cartItems.length and show message
- List cartItems {cartItems.length > 0 && (}
- index.css
- Style cart, cart-header, cart-items (img, li),
- Publish changes
- Pull request, merge, change to master
- Task Management Spreadsheet set it done
- Checkout Form
- Set Active Task Management Spreadsheet
- Create branch checkout-form
- Cart.js
- Make cart items persistent
- Use LocalStorage on App constructor to load cart items (JSON.parse)
- Use LocalStorage on addToCart to save cart items (JSON.stringify)
- Handle Click on Proceed
- Update showCheckout state to true on click
- Conditional rendering Checkout Form
- Get Email, Name and Address required input
- Define handleInput function
- Add Checkout Button
- Handle onSubmit Form Event by this.createOrder
- Create order object and pass to parent to handle it
- Commit and Publish changes
- Pull request, merge, change to master
- Task Management Spreadsheet set it done
- Add Modal and Animation
- Set Active Task Management Spreadsheet
- Create branch animation-modal
- Show Animation
- Install react-reveal
- Create fade effect from bottom for products
- Create fade left for add to cart
- Create fade right for show checkout form
- Open Modal by click on product image
- Install react-modal
- Products.js
- Import Modal
- Set state for product to null
- Define openModal and closeModal
- Show Modal if product exist
- Create Modal
- Create zoom effect for modal
- index.css
- Style Product Details
- Commit and Publish changes
- Pull request, merge, change to master
- Task Management Spreadsheet set it done
- Products Component
- Create Products Backend
- Install nodemon globally
- Add server.js
- Install express body-parser mongoose shortid
- Install MongoDB
- app = express()
- app.use(bodyParser.json())
- mongoose.connect()
- create Product model
- Postman send post request
- route.get("/api/products")
- route.delete("/api/products/:id")
- Create Products Backend
- Add Redux
- what is redux (diagram)
- update task on spreadsheet
- create branch add-redux-products
- npm install redux react-redux redux-thunk
- create types
- types.js
- actions/productActions.js
- declare fetchProducts
- create reducers
- reducers/productReducers.js
- define case FETCH_PRODUCTS
- create store
- store.js
- import redux
- set initial state
- define initialState
- create store
- import productReducers
- combine reducers
- Use store
- App.js
- import store
- wrap all in Provider
- connect products
- components/Products.js
- connect to store
- import fetchProducts
- fetch products on did mount
- package.json
- set proxy to
- npm run server
- check products list
- commit and publish
- send pull request and merge
- update spreadsheet
- Add Redux To Filter
- Updte task and branch
- types.js
- actions/productActions.js
- create filterProducts
- move app.js filterProducts logic here
- create sortProducts
- move app.js filterProducts logic here
- reducers/productReducers.js
- Filter.js
- connect props: size, sort, items and filteredItems
- connect actions: filterProducts and sortProducts
- show loading if no filteredProducts
- App.js
- remove Filter props
- check result
- update task and branch
- Add Redux To Cart
- Updte task and branch
- types.js
- create ADD_TO_CART
- actions/cartActions.js
- create addToCart
- create removeFromCart
- reducers/cartReducers.js
- case ADD_TO_CART
- Cart.js
- connect props: cartItems
- connect actions: removeFromCart
- Product.js
- add action addToCart
- App.js
- remove Cart props
- store.js
- set initial cartItems to localStorage
- check result
- update task and branch
- Add Redux
Advanced Topics
- Create Order
- Backend
- server.js
- create order modal
- get /api/orders
- post /api/orders
- delete /api/orders/:id
- Frontend
- create types
- types.js
- create actions
- actions/orderActions.js
- createOrder(order)
- clearOrder()
- create reducers
- reducers/orderReducers.js
- Update Cart Component
- components/Cart.js
- connect order, createOrder, clearOrder
- form onSubmit={this.createOrder}
- createOrder() this.props.createOrder(order)
- closeModal() this.props.clearOrder()
- render()
- const { cartItems, order } = this.props;
- {order && (<Modal></Modal>}
- Manage Orders
- Add new page
- Install react-router-dom
- App.js
- Import BrowserRouter, Route, Link
- render()
- BrowserRouter
- Route path="/admin" component={AdminScreen}
- Route path="/" exact={true} component={HomeScreen}
- HomeScreen.js
- <Filter /> <Products /> <Cart />
- AdminScreen.js
- components/Orders.js
- render() Orders
- Backend
- server.js
- app.get("/api/orders")
- app.delete("/api/orders/:id")
- Frontend
- types.js
- actions/orderActions.js
- fetchOrders()
- reducers/orderReducers.js
- case FETCH_ORDERS {orders: action.payload}
- components/Orders.js
- connect orders, fetchOrders
- componentDidMount() fetchOrders
- render()
- !orders Loading...
- table orders
- index.css
- style orders
- Create Order
Deploy Website
- Create MongoDB Cloud Database
- Login to
- Add database user
- Left sidebar> Select Security > Database Access
- Select Add New User button
- Enter user name and password and click Add User
- Add IP whitelist
- Left sidebar > Select Security > Network Access
- Select Add IP Address
- Enter in Whitelist Entry and click Confirm
- Get connection string
- Left sidebar > Select Altas > Cluster
- Click Connect
- Click Connect to your application
- Click Copy button
- Step 2: Deploy On Heroku
- Create git repository in amazona folder using git init
- Create Heroku Account at
- Heroku
- Create Heroku account on
- Install Heroku cli
- Open Terminal
- heroku login
- heroku apps:create react-shopping-cart-best
- Edit package.json
- "engines": { "node": "12.4.0", "npm": "6.9.0"}
- Create Procfile
- web: node server.js
- Set MongoDB connection string in Heroku
- Open Heroku apps
- Select your apps, open Setting Tab and click Reveal Config Vars
- Enter copied connection string from the previous step
- Update database name and username and password
- Add key NODE_MODULES_CACHE and value false
- app.use("/", express.static(__dirname + "/build"));
- app.get("/", (req, res) => res.sendFile(__dirname + "/build/index.html"));
- git add . && git commit -m "publish"
- git push heroku