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Better Support for Figures
Dear bashtage,
thank you so much for this wonderful style sphinx style! I would, however, like to ask for better support for figures. At present, figures are hardly discernible in the output. Figure headlines are in no way different from the text body. Alignment seems to be ignored. I would greatly appreciate if this could be improved.
Best -- and thanks again.
Stefan Kebekus.
Are there any examples of this in the demo site you could point out?
Dear bashtage,
thank you for your extremely prompt reply. I do not see any figures in the demo site, but you can find one on the site that I maintain:
- https://akaflieg-freiburg.github.io/enrouteText/manual/02-steps/traffic.html
As you can see, the figure "Approaching EDTF with traffic" at the top of the page is not centered even though the markup asks for it:
.. _EDTFtraffic:
.. figure:: ./autogenerated/02-01-01-traffic.png
:scale: 30 %
:align: center
:alt: Approaching EDTF with traffic
Approaching EDTF with traffic
In addition, I would like to suggest that the figure should be visually more prominent. At present, the figure caption looks not very different from the text body (and is aligned with the items in the list below!). Perhaps one could add a frame, the word "figure" or a slightly colored background rectangle to make it visually clear that the figure does not belong to the text body …?
Best -- and thanks again!