israeli-bank-scrapers-desktop icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
israeli-bank-scrapers-desktop copied to clipboard

Secure desktop app for retriving your transactions from all israeli banks and credit cards

The project moved to


Secure desktop app for retriving your bank transactions. Works for all israeli banks and credit cards.

Based on israeli-bank-scrapers project.

Build/Release Language grade: JavaScript Dependabot Status

Security Principles

This app has two main principles:

  1. Local running: This app accesses the bank's website exactly the same way you do.
    Therefore, you don't have to rely on a third party to keep your passwords.

  2. Open Source: Don't believe me the information wasn't sent out? The source code is right here. Read it! (or ask a friend to). See for yourself that there is no malicious code here.

Welcome to the beta

The project is currently in beta, which means we focus on two main goals:

  1. Minimal Valuable Flow:
    Bringing the app to a level where the user can perform the minimum flow - importing and exporting data in a convenient and clear way, without any critical bugs.

  2. Open Source Project:
    Bringing the project to a stage where it is easy for new contributors to understand and contribute to. This includes good documentation, testing, etc.

When you look at the project, please try to think about both of these goals.

Beta milestone


The project is an Electron app, with Vue in the front-end, and mainly uses israeli-bank-scrapers project.

I need your help

This is the first time I'm writing code in NodeJS, and of course it's the first time I'm using Electron and Vue.

I wrote this version "quick and dirty", because the goal was to get to the solution up and running as quickly as possible. If there is interest, I can continue to develop the app as I work on other projects as well, and of course I would love to get help.

You can help with the following:

Please note that we are currently in beta, and issues under Beta Milestone are prioritized.



Currently, this project depends on libsecret, so you may need to install it before running yarn.

Depending on your distribution, you will need to run the following command:

  • Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libsecret-1-dev
  • Red Hat-based: sudo yum install libsecret-devel
  • Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S libsecret

Then you can run the commands below:

Build Setup

# install dependencies

# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
yarn serve

# build electron application for production
yarn build

# run unit & end-to-end tests
yarn test

# lint all JS/Vue component files in `src/`
yarn lint

Project Structure

+---.github/workflows       // Github Actions files
+---build/icons             // Icons for Electron-Builder (used in vue.config.js)
+---dist/electron           // Webpack temporary output
+---dist_electron           // Installer and info files
|   +---bundled             // Bundle
|   +---win-unpacked        // Unpacked- what you will get after you run the installer
+---docs                    // Resources for documentation porpuse
+---scripts                 // Scripts for Git hooks and other needs
|   +---assets
|   +---components
|   +---modules
|   +---plugins             // Vue plugins
|   +---router              // Vue-Router (for future use)
|   \---store               // Vuex
|       +---migrations
|       +---modules
|   +---e2e
|   +---unit
|   vue.config.js           // vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder (includes electron-builder config)