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ABP snippets starting with an x
Do you see room for improvement, or do you have a snippet in mind you want to be included? Feel free to create an issue, I will see what I can do!
C# snippets (source code)
Prefix | Description
-------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
xAddGroupPermissionToContext | Add group permission to context in PermissionDefinitionProvider
xAddPermissionsPoliciesAppService | Adds policy permissions to AppService
xAddPermissionToGroup | Adds permission to group in PermissionDefinitionProvider.cs
xApplicationMenuItemIcon | New ApplicationMenuItem variable with icon
xApplicationMenuItemUrl | New ApplicationMenuItem variable with url
xAppServiceClassStub | Inserts an AppService class stub based upon the [YourProjectName]AppService class
xAppServiceCreateAsync | Inserts var x = _nameAppService.CreateAsync() statement
xAppServiceDeleteAsync | Inserts await _nameAppService.DeleteAsync() statement
xAppServiceGetAsync | Inserts var x = _nameAppService.GetAsync() statement
xAppServiceGetListAsync | Inserts var x = _nameAppService.GetListAsync() statement
xAsyncExecuterCountAsync | Inserts AsyncExecuter.CountAsync statement
xAsyncExecuterFirstOrDefaultAsync | Inserts AsyncExecuter.FirstOrDefaultAsync statement
xAsyncExecuterToListAsync | Inserts AsyncExecuter.ToListAsync statement
xAuthAttributeAbp | Inserts the ABP Authorize attribute for a class or a method
xAuthAttributeMicrosoft | Inserts the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization Authorize attribute
xAuthorDouglasAdams | Inserts new Author Douglas Adams
xAuthorOrwell | Inserts new Author Orwell
xAuthServiceAuthorizeAsync | Inserts the AuthorizationService.AuthorizeAsync method
xAuthServiceCheckAsync | Inserts the AuthorizationService.CheckAsync method
xAuthServiceIsGrantedAsync | Inserts the AuthorizationService.IsGrantedAsync method
xBindPropertyAttribute | Inserts BindProperty attribute
xBlobAsyncMethodAppService | Inserts var blob = _fileContainer.GetBlobAsync method
xBlobContainerNameAttribute | Inserts Required Attribute
xBook1984 | Inserts new Book 1984
xBookHitchHiker | Inserts new Book The Hitchhiker
xBuilderConfigureBlobStoring | Inserts builder.ConfigureBlobStoring() statement in OnModelCreating method in DbContext
xBuilderEntity | builder.Entity stub
xBuilderEntityMongoDb | builder.Entity stub
xCanBeNullAttribute | CanBeNull attribute
xCanCreate | Boolean canCreate variable and checks if Create is granted
xCanCrudMethods | Checks if CRUD methods are granted
xCanDelete | Boolean canDelete variable and checks if Delete is granted
xCanUpdate | boolean canUpdate variable and checks if Edit/Update is granted
xCheckGetListPolicyAsync | Inserts await CheckGetListPolicyAsync()
xCheckGetPolicyAsync | Inserts await CheckGetPolicyAsync()
xCheckNotNull | Check.NotNull statement
xCheckNotNullMaxLength | Check.NotNull (+ MaxLength) statement
xCheckNotNullMaxMinLength | Check.NotNull (+ Max/MinLength) statement
xCheckNotNullOrEmpty | Check.NotNullOrEmpty statement
xCheckNotNullOrEmptyMaxLength | Check.NotNullOrEmpty (+ MaxLength) statement
xCheckNotNullOrEmptyMaxMinLength | Check.NotNullOrEmpty (+ Max/MinLength) statement
xCheckNotNullOrWhiteSpace | Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace statement
xCheckNotNullOrWhiteSpaceMaxLength | Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace (+ MaxLength) statement
xCheckNotNullOrWhiteSpaceMaxMinLength | Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace (+ Max/MinLength) statement
xCollectionDefinitionNameAttribute | Inserts a CollectionDefinitionNameAttribute
xConfigureOptions | Inserts Configure Options statement for use in ConfigureServices method
xContextAddTransient | Inserts context.Services.AddTransient statement;
xContextGetApplicationBuilder | Inserts var app = context.GetApplicationBuilder() statement;
xContextGetEnvironment | Inserts var env = context.GetEnvironment() statement;
xContextGetHostingEnvironment | Inserts var hostingEnvironment = context.GetHostingEnvironment() statement;
xContextGetRequiredService | Inserts var service = context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<Type>() statement
xCreateAsyncIAppServiceMethodDefinition | Inserts a CreateAsync definition for an IAppService interface
xCreateAsyncMethodDefinition | Adds a CreateAsync method Definition to an IAppService Interface
xCreateAsyncMethodStub | Adds a CreateAsync method stub to a class
xCreateManyAsyncIAppServiceMethodDefinition | Inserts a CreateManyAsync definition for an IAppService interface
xCreateMapCreateDtoToType | CreateMap from Create[Type]Dto to [Type] statement
xCreateMapCreateUpdateDtoToType | CreateMap from CreateUpdate[Type]Dto to [Type] statement
xCreateMapDtoToCreateDto | CreateMap from [Type]Dto to Create[Type]Dto statement
xCreateMapDtoToCreateUpdateDto | CreateMap from [Type]Dto to CreateUpdate[Type]Dto statement
xCreateMapDtoToType | CreateMap from [Type]Dto to [Type] statement
xCreateMapDtoToUpdateDto | CreateMap from [Type]Dto to Update[Type]Dto statement
xCreateMapTo | CreateMap from SourceType to DestinationType statement
xCreateMapTypeToCreateDto | CreateMap from [Type] to CreateDto statement
xCreateMapTypeToCreateUpdateDto | CreateMap from [Type] to CreateUpdateDto statement
xCreateMapTypeToDto | CreateMap from [Type] to Dto statement
xCreateMapTypeToLookupDto | CreateMap from [Type] to LookupDto statement
xCreateMapTypeToUpdateDto | CreateMap from [Type] to UpdateDto statement
xCreateMapUpdateDtoToType | CreateMap from UpdateDto to [Type] statement
xCreatePolicyName | Inserts CreatePolicyName statement
xCrudAppServiceCreateDtoAndUpdateDto | Inserts a CrudAppService class with CreateDto and UpdateDto separated
xCrudAppServiceCreateUpdateDto | Inserts a CrudAppService class with CreateUpdateDto combined
xCrudMethodsIAppService | Inserts the basic CRUD methods in an IAppService
xCtor | constructor stub
xCtorAbpSignInManagerParam | Inserts an AbpSignInManager abpSignInManager parameter in the constructor
xCtorBusinessExceptionStub | constructor stub in a class derived from BusinessException
xCtorIAppUserRepositoryParam | Inserts an IAppUserRepository appUserRepository parameter in the constructor
xCtorIAsyncQueryableExecuterParam | Inserts an IAsyncQueryableExecuter asyncExecuter parameter in the constructor
xCtorIBlobContainerParam | Inserts a IBlobContainer parameter in constructor
xCtorICachedServiceProviderParam | Inserts an ICachedServiceProvider cachedServiceProvider parameter in the constructor
xCtorIConfigurationParam | Inserts an IConfiguration configuration parameter in the constructor
xCtorICurrentTenantParam | Inserts an ICurrentTenant currentTenant parameter in the constructor
xCtorICurrentUserParam | Inserts an ICurrentUser currentUser parameter in the constructor
xCtorIdentityUserManagerParam | Inserts an IdentityUserManager identityManager parameter in the constructor
xCtorIEmailSender | Inserts a IEmailSender parameter in the constructor
xCtorIIdentityUserRepositoryParam | Inserts an IIdentityUserRepository identityUserRepository parameter in the constructor
xCtorILocalEventBusParam | Inserts a ILocalEventBus param in the constructor
xCtorIPermissionGrantRepositoryParam | Inserts an IPermissionGrantRepository permissionGrantRepository parameter in the constructor
xCtorIPermissionManagerParam | Inserts an IPermissionManager permissionManager parameter in the constructor
xCtorIRepoCustomParam | Inserts a custom ClassRepository param in the constructor
xCtorIRepoDefaultParam | Inserts a default IRepository<Type,TypeId> parameter in the constructor
xCtorIStringLocalizerParam | Inserts the IStringLocalizer parameter in the constructor
xCtorITemplateRenderer | Inserts a ITemplateRenderer parameter in the constructor
xCtorITenantManagerParam | Inserts an ITenantManager tenantManger parameter in the constructor
xCtorITenantRepoParam | Inserts an ITenantRepo parameter in the constructor
xCtorIVirtualFileProviderParam | Inserts an IVirtualFileProvider virtualFileProvider parameter in the constructor
xCtorManagerCustomParam | Inserts a custom Manager parameter in constructor
xCtorPrivate | Insert a private constructor stub
xCtorPublic | Insert a public constructor stub
xCurrentTenantChange | Inserts using (CurrentTenant.Change(tenantId))
xCurrentUserGetId | Inserts CurrentUser.GetId() statement
xCustomBusinessExceptionClass | Inserts a CustomException class inherits from class BusinessException
xDataTypeAttribute | DataType attribute
xDbSet | Inserts a DbSet for a class statement in DbContext
xDbSetNewSyntax | Inserts a DbSet for a class statement in DbContext
xDeleteAllAsyncMethodDefinition | Adds a DeleteAllAsync method definition to an interface
xDeleteAsyncIAppServiceMethodDefinition | Inserts a DeleteAsync definition for an IAppService interface
xDeleteAsyncMethodDefinition | Adds a DeleteAsync method definition to an interface
xDeleteAsyncMethodStub | Adds a DeleteAsync method stub
xDeletePolicyName | Inserts DeletePolicyName statement
xDependencyAttribute | Inserts Dependency attribute
xDisableISoftDelete | Inserts using (_softDeleteFilter.Disable()){} statement
xDisableValidationAttribute | Inserts a DisableValidation Attribute
xDisplayAttribute | Inserts Display attribute
xEfCoreRepositoryClassStub | Inserts an EfCoreRepositoryClass stub
xEmailAddressAttribute | EmailAddress Attribute
xEnableValidationAttribute | Inserts an EnableValidation Attribute
xExecuteSqlRawAsync | Inserts await dbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync statement
xExposeServicesAttribute | Inserts an ExposeServices attribute
xFilterProperty | Inserts a Filter property
xFindByNameAsyncMethodDefinition | Adds a FindByNameAsync definition to an IRepository interface
xFindByNameAsyncMethodStub | Adds a FindByNameAsync method stub
xGetAllBytesAsyncMethodBlobContainer | Inserts var blob = _fileContainer.GetAllBytesAsync method
xGetAsyncIAppServiceMethodDefinition | Inserts a GetAsync definition for an IAppService interface
xGetAsyncMethodDefinition | Adds a GetAsync method definition
xGetAsyncMethodStub | Adds a GetAsync method stub
xGetBlobAsyncIAppServiceMethodDefinition | Inserts a GetBlobAsync definition for an IAppService interface
xGetConfigurationFromContext | Inserts var configuration = context.Services.GetConfiguration(); statement
xGetDbContextAsync | Inserts var dbContext = await GetDbContextAsync();
xGetDbSetAsync | Inserts var dbSet = await GetDbSetAsync();
xGetIStringLocalizerService | Inserts var localizer = context.GetRequiredService<IStringLocalizer
xGetKeysMethod | Insert a GetKeys method
xGetListAsyncIAppServiceMethodDefinition | Inserts a GetListAsync definition for an IAppService interface
xGetListAsyncIRepoMethodDefinition | Inserts a GetListAsync definition for in an IRepo interface
xGetListAsyncMethodDefinition | Adds a GetListAsync method definition
xGetListAsyncMethodStub | Adds a GetListAsync method stub
xGetListPolicyName | Inserts GetListPolicyName statement
xGetLookupIAppServiceMethodDefinition | Adds a GetLookupAsync method to an IAppService interface
xGetLookupMethodImplementationAppService | Adds a GetLookupAsync method to an AppService class
xGetPagedListAsyncIAppServiceMethodDefinition | Adds a paged GetPagedListAsync definition in IAppService
xGetPagedListAsyncIRepoMethodDefinitionGetTypePageListDtoInput | Adds a paged GetPagedListAsync definition in IRepo
xGetPagedListAsyncIRepoMethodDefinitionWithParameters | Adds a GetPagedListAsync definition with parameters in IRepo
xGetPolicyName | Inserts GetPolicyName statement
xGetQueryableExtensionsClassStub | Inserts GetQueryableExtensionsClass stub
xGetRequiredIAppService | Inserts GetRequiredService<IAppService> and IAppService field
xGetRequiredService | Inserts GetRequiredService and matching field!
xGps | Inserts { get, private set }
xGroupNamePermissionConst | Inserts a permission GroupName constant
xGs | Inserts { get, set }
xGuidGeneratorCreate | Inserts GuidGenerator.Create() statement
xHasIndex | Inserts hasIndex statement
xHasIndexCompositeKey | Inserts hasIndex statement (composite key)
xHasIndexUnique | Inserts hasIndex with Unique statement
xHasKey | Inserts hasKey statement (composite key)
xHasManyWithOneIsRequiredHasForeignKey | Inserts HasMany().WithOne().IsRequired().HasForeignKey() statement
xHasOneWithManyFkIsRequired | Inserts HasOne<Type>().WithMany().ForeignKey().IsRequired statement
xHasOneWithManyFkIsRequiredOnDelete | Inserts HasOne<Type>().WithMany().ForeignKey().IsRequired().OnDelete statement
xIAppServiceCrudDefinitions | Inserts an IAppService interface with CRUD methods for a given Type
xIAppServiceParam | Inserts a IAppService parameter
xIAppServiceUpdateAsyncDefinition | Inserts an UpdateAsync definition for an IAppService interface
xICrudAppServiceCreateDtoAndUpdateDto | Inserts an ICrudAppService CreateDto - UpdateDto
xICrudAppServiceCreateUpdateDto | Inserts an ICrudAppService - CreateUpdateDto
xIDataFilterISoftDeleteParam | Inserts a IDataFilterISoftDelete parameter
xIDataFilterProperty | Inserts property public IDataFilter DataFilter { get; set; }
xIf | If statement
xIfAuthServiceIsGrantedAsync | Inserts the AuthorizationService.IsGrantedAsync method
xIfCurrentUserIsAuthenticated | If CurrentUser.isAuthenticated
xIFeatureCheckerParam | Inserts an IFeatureChecker interface parameter in the constructor
xIfInline | Inline if statement
xIfInputSortingIsNullOrWhiteSpace | Inserts if input.Sorting.IsNullOrWhiteSpace statement
xIfIsGrantedAsyncPermission | Inserts if (await IsGrantedAsync(permission)){ }statement
xIfNot | If not statement
xIfNotNull | If not null statement
xIfNotNullInline | Inline if not null statement
xIfNull | If null statement
xIfNullInline | Inline if not null statement
xIfRepoGetCountAsync | Inserts if(await _repository.GetCountAsync() ? 0) statement
xIfResultSucceeded | If result.Succeeded statement
xIGuidGeneratorParam | Inserts a IGuidGenerator parameter
xILocalEvenBushPublishAsync | Inserts await _localEventBus.PublishAsync
xIMongoCollection | Inserts as IMongoCollection for a class statement in DbContext
xImpCorrespondingIAppService | Implements corresponding IAppService interface
xImpCorrespondingIRepository | Implements corresponding IRepository interface
xImpIAbpClaimsPrincipalContributor | Implements IAbpClaimsPrincipalContributor interface
xImpIApplicationService | Implements IApplicationService interface
xImpIDataSeedContributor | Implements IDataSeedContributor (+ ITransientDependency) interface
xImpIHasCreationTime | Implements IHasCreationTime interface
xImpIInjectServiceProvider | Implements IInjectServiceProvider interface
xImpILocalEventHandler | Implements ILocalEventHandler interface
xImpIMultiTenant | Implements IMultiTenant interface
xImpIRepository | Implements IRepository interface
xImpIScopedDependency | Implements IScopedDependency interface
xImpISingletonDependency | Implements ISingletonDependency interface
xImpITransientDependency | Implements ITransientDependency interface
xImpIValidatableObject | Implements IValidatableObject interface on a DTO
xInhAbpModule | Inherits AbpModule
xInhAggregateRoot | Inherits AggregateRoot class
xInhApplicationService | Inherits ApplicationService class
xInhApplicationTestBase | Inherits ApplicationTestBase class
xInhAuditedAggregateRoot | Inherits AuditedAggregateRoot class
xInhAuditedEntity | Inherits AuditedEntity class
xInhAuditedEntityDto | Inherits AuditedEntityDto class
xInhBasicAggregateRoot | Inherits BasicAggregateRoot class
xInhBusinessException | Inherits BusinessException class
xInhCreationAuditedAggregateRoot | Inherits CreationAuditedAggregateRoot class
xInhCreationAuditedEntity | Inherits CreationAuditedEntity class
xInhCreationAuditedEntityDto | Inherits CreationAuditedEntityDto class
xInhDomainService | Inherits DomainService class
xInhDomainTestBase | Inherits DomainTestBase class
xInhEntity | Inherits Entity class
xInhEntityDto | Inherits EntityDto class
xInhFeatureDefinitionProvider | Inherits FeatureDefinitionProvider base class
xInhFullAuditedAggregateRoot | Inherits FullAuditedAggregateRoot class
xInhFullAuditedEntity | Inherits FullAuditedEntity class
xInhFullAuditedEntityDto | Inherits FullAuditedEntityDto class
xInhPagedAndSortedResultRequestDto | Inherits PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto class
xInhProjectNameAppService | Inherits ProjectNameAppService class
xInhSpecification | Inherits Specification class
xInjectBlazoredILocalStorageService | Inserts [Inject] public ILocalStorageService LocalStorageService { get; set; } statement
xInjectHttpClient | Inject HttpClient property
xInjectIAppService | Inserts [Inject] public IMyAppService MyAppService statement
xInjectIJSRuntime | Inject IJSRuntime property
xInjectIMapper | Inject IMapper property
xInjectNavigationManager | Inject NavigationManager property
xInjectService | Inject IMyService MyService
xISpecificationParam | Inserts a ISpecification parameter
xLocalizableStringCreate | Inserts LocalizableString.Create<ProjectNameResource>(translationKey);
xManagerCreateAsync | Inserts var x = await _nameManager.CreateAsync() statement
xManagerFindByIdAsync | Inserts var x = await _nameManager.FindByIdAsync() statement
xManagerUpdateAsync | Inserts var name = await _nameManager.UpdateAsync() statement
xMap | ObjectMapper.Map statement
xMapDtoToType | ObjectMapper.Map from Dto to Type statement
xMapTypeToDto | ObjectMapper.Map from Type To Dto statement
xMaxLengthConst | Inserts a max length constant
xMethodAsyncTaskStub | Inserts an async Task method stub
xMethodAsyncTaskStubWithReturnValue | Inserts an async task<ReturnType> method stub
xMethodStubWithReturnValue | Inserts a <ReturnType> method stub
xMethodVoidStub | Inserts a void method stub
xNavigateTo | Inserts NavigationManager.NavigateTo page
xNavigateToHomePage | Inserts NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/")
xNavigateToId | Inserts NavigationManager.NavigateTo page\\Id
xNavigationManager | Inserts a Navigation parameter in a constructor
xNewObjectConstructor | Instantiates a new object with constructor
xNewObjectInitializer | Instantiates a new Object with initializer
xNgRokHttpEuropeRegion | Inserts ngrok http -region eu https://localhost:44368/
xNotEmptyGuidAttribute | Inserts NotEmptyGuidAttribute
xNotifyError | Inserts await Notify.Error(Message) statement
xNotifyInfo | Inserts await Notify.Info(Message) statement
xNotifySuccess | Inserts await Notify.Success(Message) statement
xNotifyWarn | Inserts await Notify.Warn(Message) statement
xNotNullAttribute | NotNull attribute
xOnAfterRender | OnAfterRender method stub
xOnAfterRenderAsync | OnAfterRenderAsync method stub
xOnApplicationInitialization | OnApplicationInitialization method stub
xOnInitialized | OnInitialized method stub
xOnInitializedAsync | OnInitializedAsync method stub
xOnParametersSet | OnParameterSet method stub
xOnParametersSetAsync | OnParameterSetAsync method stub
xOpenCreateModalAsync | OpenCreateModalAsync method stub
xPageTitle | Inserts a PageTitle tag
xPara | Inserts property with Parameter attribute
xParaId | Inserts Id property with Parameter attribute
xPermissionClass | Inserts a static class with Default/Create/Update/Delete constants
xPropBirthDate | Inserts an BirthDate property
xPropBookType | Inserts a BookType property
xPropCity | Inserts a City property
xPropConfirmPassword | Inserts a ConfirmPassword property
xPropCount | Inserts a Count property
xPropCountry | Inserts a Country property
xPropCreationTime | Inserts a CreationTime property
xPropDateTime | Inserts an DateTime property
xPropDescription | Inserts a Desription property
xPropEmail | Inserts an Email property
xPropEndDate | Inserts a DateTime EndDate property
xPropEndTime | Inserts a DateTime EndTime property
xPropertyHasMaxLength | Inserts b.Property.HasMaxLengthstatement
xPropertyIsRequiredHasMaxLength | Inserts b.Property.IsRequired.HasMaxLengthstatement
xPropFilter | Inserts a Filter property
xPropFirstName | Inserts a First Name property
xPropICollection | Inserts an ICollection property
xPropId | Inserts an Id property
xPropImageUrl | Inserts an ImageUrl property
xPropIs | Inserts an IsYourName boolean property
xPropIsVisible | Inserts an IsVisible property
xPropLastName | Inserts a First Name property
xPropList | Inserts an List property
xPropMobilePhone | Inserts a Mobile Phone property
xPropName | Inserts a Name property
xPropPassword | Inserts a Password property
xPropPhone | Inserts a Phone property
xPropPrice | Inserts a Price property
xPropPrivateSetter | Inserts a property with private setter
xPropProtectedSetter | Inserts a property with protected setter
xPropPublishDate | Inserts a DateTime PublishDate property
xPropQuantity | Inserts a Quantity property
xPropShortBio | Inserts a ShortBio property
xPropStartDate | Inserts a DateTime StartDate property
xPropStartTime | Inserts a DateTime StartTime property
xPropState | Inserts a State property
xPropStreet | Inserts a Street property
xPropText | Inserts a Text property
xPropTitle | Inserts an Title property
xPropUserId | Inserts an UserId property
xPropUserName | Inserts an UserName property
xPropZipCode | Inserts a ZipCode property
xQueryableSkipTake | Inserts queryable = queryable.Skip.Take statement
xQueryableWithDetailsAsync | Inserts var queryable = _repository.GetQueryableAsync() statement
xRangeAttribute | Range attribute
xReadOnlyListLookupDto | Inserts an IReadOnlyList for a LookupDto object
xRegularExpressionAttribute | Inserts a RegularExpression Attribute
xRepoAnyAsync | Inserts var x = _repository.AnyAsync statement. Throws EntityNotFoundException when not found
xRepoCountAsync | Inserts var totalCount = _repository.CountAsync statement
xRepoDeleteAsync | Inserts _repository.DeleteAsync statement
xRepoDeleteManyAsync | Inserts _repository.DeleteManyAsync statement
xRepoEnsureCollectionLoadedAsync | Inserts var items = await _repository.GetListAsync() statement
xRepoFindAsync | Inserts var x = _repository.FindAsync statement. Returns null when not found
xRepoFindByNameAsync | Inserts var x = _repository.FindByNameAsync statement. Throws EntityNotFoundException when not found
xRepoFirstOrDefaultAsync | Inserts var x = _repository.FindAsync statement
xRepoGetAsync | Inserts var x = _repository.GetAsync statement. Throws EntityNotFoundException when not found
xRepoGetCountAsync | Inserts var totalCount = _repository.GetCountAsync statement
xRepoGetListAsync | Inserts var items = await _repository.GetListAsync() statement
xRepoGetListAsyncWithInputParams | Inserts var items = await _repository.GetListAsync(input.SkipCount, input.MaxResultCount, input.Sorting, input.Filter) statement
xRepoGetPagedListAsync | Inserts var x = _repository.GetPagedListAsync statement.
xRepoGetQueryableAsync | Inserts var queryable = _repository.GetQueryableAsync() statement
xRepoHardDeleteAsync | Inserts _repository.HardDeleteAsync statement
xRepoInsertAsync | Inserts var inserted = await _repository.InsertAsync() statement
xRepoInsertManyAsync | Inserts _repository.InsertManyAsync statement
xRepositoryCountAsync | Inserts var totalCount = Repository.CountAsync statement
xRepositoryGetQueryableAsync | Inserts var queryable = Repository.GetQueryableAsync() statement
xRepoUpdateAsync | Inserts repository.UpdateAsync statement
xRepoUpdateManyAsync | Inserts repository.UpdateManyAsync() statement
xRepoWithDetailsAsync | Inserts var queryable = _repository.WithDetailsAsync statement.
xRequiredAttribute | Inserts a Required Attribute
xRequiresFeatureAttribute | Inserts RequiresFeatureAttribute
xReturnAsyncExecuterToListAsync | Inserts return await AsyncExecuter.ToListAsync statement
xReturnDbContextSetFirstOrDefaultAsync | Inserts return await DbContextSet.FirstOrDefaultAsync()
xReturnDbContextSetToListAsync | Inserts return await DbContextSet.ToListAsync()
xReturnDbContextSetWhereToListAsync | Inserts return await DbContextSetWhereToListAsync
xReturnDbContextSingleAsync | Inserts return await DbContextSet.SingleAsync()
xReturnDbSetFirstOrDefaultAsync | Inserts return await DbSet.FirstOrDefaultAsync()
xReturnDbSetToListAsync | Inserts return await DbSet.ToListAsync()
xReturnListResultDto | Inserts return new ListResultDto statement
xReturnObjectMap | return ObjectMapper.Map statement
xReturnObjectMapperListTypeToListTypeDto | return ObjectMapper.Map<List<Type>,List<TypeDto>> statement
xReturnObjectMapperPagedResultDto | Inserts return new PagedResultDto with ObjectMapper statement
xReturnObjectMapTypeToDto | return ObjectMapper.Map from SourceType to Dto statement
xReturnPagedResultDto | Inserts return new PagedResultDto statement
xReturnQueryToListAsync | Inserts return await query.ToListAsync()
xSaveAsyncMethodAppService | Inserts await _fileAppService.SaveBlobAsync method
xSaveAsyncMethodBlobContainer | Inserts await _fileContainer.SaveAsync method
xSaveBlobAsyncIAppServiceMethodDefinition | Inserts a SaveBlobAsync definition for an IAppService interface
xSpecificationClass | Inserts a Specification class stub
xStringLengthAttribute | StringLength attribute
xTaskCompleted | Inserts await Task.CompletedTask statement
xTenantIdGuidProperty | Inserts public Guid? TenantId { get; set; } property
xTenantIdStringProperty | Inserts public string TenantId { get; set; } property
xThrowAbpValidationException | Inserts throw new AbpValidationException statement
xThrowAlreadyExistsException | Inserts throw new AlreadyExistsException statement
xThrowApplicationException | Inserts throw new ApplicationException statement
xThrowBusinessException | Inserts throw new BusinessException statement
xThrowCustomException | Inserts throw new CustomException statement
xThrowEntityNotFoundException | Inserts throw new EntityNotFoundException statement
xThrowNotImplementedException | Inserts throw new NotImplementedException stat
xThrowUnauthorizedAccessException | Inserts throw new UnauthorizedAccessException statement
xThrowUserFriendlyException | Inserts throw new UserFriendlyException statement
xTodo | Inserts TODO statement
xunAppServiceClassStub | Inserts an AppServiceTest class stub
xUnAssertThrowsAsyncAbpValidationException | Inserts var exception = Assert.ThrowsAsync<AbpValidationException>
xUnAssertThrowsAsyncBusinessException | Inserts var exception = Assert.ThrowsAsync<BusinessException>
xUnAssertThrowsAsyncCustomException | Inserts Assert.ThrowsAsync<YourCustomException>
xUnAssertThrowsCustomException | Inserts Assert.Throws<YourCustomException>
xUnCreateAsyncAppService | Inserts var result = await AppService.CreateAsync statement
xunEfCoreAppServiceClassStub | Inserts an EfCoreAppServiceTest class stub
xunFactMethodTaskStub | a xUnit test Task method stub
xUnFactMethodVoidStub | a xUnit test void method stub
xUnGetListAsyncAppService | Inserts var result = await AppService.GetListAsync statement
xUnGetRequiredIAppService | Inserts GetRequiredService<IAppService> and IAppService field
xUnGetRequiredService | Inserts GetRequiredService and matching field
xUnitOfWorkAttribute | Inserts the UnitOfWorkAttribute
xUnMethodTaskStub | a xUnit test Task method stub
xUnMethodVoidStub | a xUnit test void method stub
xUnResultIdShouldNotBeGuidEmpty | Inserts result.Id.ShouldNotBe(Guid.Empty)
xUnResultItemsShouldContain | Inserts result.Items.ShouldContain statement
xUnResultItemsShouldNotContain | Inserts result.Items.ShouldNotContain statement
xUnResultNameShouldBe | Inserts result.Name.ShouldBe(Value) statement
xUnResultPropertyShouldBe | Inserts result.PropertyName.ShouldBe(Value) statement
xUnResultShouldBe | Inserts result.PropertyName.ShouldBe(Value) statement
xUnResultTotalCountShouldBe | Inserts result.TotalCount.ShouldBe statement
xUnResultTotalCountShouldBeGreaterOrEqual | Inserts result.TotalCount.ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqual statement
xUnResultTotalCountShouldBeGreaterThan | Inserts result.TotalCount.ShouldBeGreaterThan statement
xUnResultTotalCountShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo | Inserts result.TotalCount.ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo statement
xUpdateAsyncDefinition | Inserts an UpdateAsync definition for an IAppService interface
xUpdatePolicyName | Inserts UpdatePolicyName statement
xUrlAttribute | Url attribute
xUsingSystemLinqDynamicCore | Inserts using System.Linq.Dynamic.Core statement
xVarObjectMapperMap | var result = ObjectMapper.Map<SourceType,DestinationType>(input) statement
xVarObjectMapperMapCreateDtoToType | var type = ObjectMapper.Map<CreateDto,TypeDto>(input) statement
xVarObjectMapperMapDtoToType | var type = ObjectMapper.Map<Dto,TypeDto>(input) statement
xVarObjectMapperMapTypeToDto | var type = ObjectMapper.Map<Type,TypeDto>(input) statement
xVarObjectMapperMapUpdateDtoToType | var type = ObjectMapper.Map<UpdateDto,TypeDto>(input) statement
xWithData | Inserts a WithData statement
Snippets for launch.json and tasks.json files (source code)
Prefix | Description
--------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
xLaunchAngularJson | Inserts launch configurations in launch.json needed to run project
xLaunchBlazorServerJson | Inserts BlazorServer launch configurations in launch.json needed to run project
xLaunchBlazorWasmJson | Inserts launch configurations in launch.json needed to run project
xLaunchBlazorWebAppJson | Inserts launch configurations in launch.json needed to run project
xLaunchMvcJson | Inserts a launch configurations needed to run an MVC project
xLaunchSeparateIdentityServerJson | Inserts launch configurations in launch.json needed to run project
xTasksAngularJson | Inserts tasks in tasks.json needed to run project
xTasksBlazorServerJson | Inserts tasks in tasks.json needed to run project
xTasksBlazorWasmJson | Inserts tasks in tasks.json needed to run project
xTaskSeparateIdentityServerJson | Inserts tasks in tasks.json needed to run project
xTasksMvcJson | Inserts tasks to run MVC projects
Razor snippets (source code)
Prefix | Description
-------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------
xAuthAttribute | xAuthAttribute
xCode | @code block
xCreateModalDialog | Create modal dialog
xDataGridCheckColumn | Inserts a DataGridCheckColumn for boolean values
xDataGridColumnEnum | Inserts a DataGridColumn for an enum
xDataGridColumnLongDateString | Inserts a DataGridColumn in long date format
xDataGridColumnShortDateString | Inserts a DataGridColumn in short date format
xDataGridColumnText | Inserts a DataGridColumn
xDataGridEntityActionsColumn | Inserts a DataGridEntityActionsColumn element
xDeleteEntityAction | Inserts a Delete EntityAction element
xDependencyAttribute | Inserts @attribute Dependency ReplaceServices
xEditEntityAction | Inserts an Edit EntityAction element
xEditModalDialog | Inserts an Edit modal dialog
xExposeServicesAttribute | Inserts @attribute ExposeServices
xFeedbackValidation | Inserts <Feedback> validation statement
xFieldCheckBox | Inserts a Checkbox field in a Create/Update dialog
xFieldDateEdit | Inserts a TextEdit field in a Create/Update dialog
xFieldEnumSelect | Inserts a Select field for enum in a Create/Update dialog
xFieldMemoEdit | Inserts a MemoEdit field in a Create/Update dialog
xFieldNumericEdit | Inserts a NumericEdit field in a Create/Update dialog
xFieldSelect | Inserts a Select field a Create/Update dialog
xFieldTextEdit | Inserts a TextEdit field in a Create/Update dialog
xIfCanCreate | If CanCreate
xIfCanDelete | If CanDelete
xIfCanUpdate | If CanUpdate
xIfCurrentUserIsAuthenticated | If CurrentUser.isAuthenticated
xInheritsComponentBase | Inserts @inherits [YourProjectName]ComponentBase statement
xInjAuthorizationService | Injects interface IAuthorizationService
xInjectAbpBlazorMessageLocalizerHelper | Inserts @inject AbpBlazorMessageLocalizerHelper
xInjectAppService | Inserts @inject IMyService MyService
xInjectHttpClient | Inserts @inject HttpClient directive
xInjectIJSRuntime | Inserts @inject IJSRuntime directive
xInjectIMapper | Inserts @inject IMapper directive
xInjectIStringLocalizer | Inserts @inject IStringLocalizer
xInjectNavigationManager | Inserts @inject NavigationManager directive
xInjectProtectedLocalStorage | Inserts @inject ProtectedLocalStorage directive in Blazor Server app
xInjectService | Inserts @inject MyService MyService
xListAbpCrudPageBase | Inserts a paged list for a standard CrudAppService
xListIAppServicePage | Inserts a paged list for a custom IAppService
xOnAfterRender | OnAfterRender method stub
xOnAfterRenderAsync | OnAfterRenderAsync method stub
xOnApplicationInitialization | OnApplicationInitialization method stub
xOnInitialized | OnInitialized method stub
xOnInitializedAsync | OnInitializedAsync method stub
xOnParametersSet | OnParameterSet method stub
xOnParametersSetAsync | OnParameterSetAsync method stub
xOpenCreateModalAsync | OpenCreateModalAsync method stub
xPage | Inserts @page directive
xPageParam | Inserts @page directive with Parameter
xSubmitButton | Inserts a SubmitButton
xValidationTagMessageLocalizer | Inserts a validation tag with MessageLocalizer attribute
xVisibleHasDeletePermission | Inserts Visible=HasDeletePermission
xVisibleHasUpdatePermission | Inserts Visible=HasUpdatePermission