swiftDialog copied to clipboard
Markdown inline images do not support paths to local image files, only http[s] urls
I just downloaded v2.0 to start playing around with swiftDialog - thanks for the amazing work!
I just wanted to report this issue I found pretty quickly:
The CommonMark Spec seems to indicate that the source for inline images can be a local file, and a relative or absolute path can be used. However when I try this
dialog --title 'Helllo World' --message "\"
or a multiline version
read -r -d '' msg <<'EOF'
This is the line _above_ the image

This is the line **below** the image
dialog --title 'Helllo World' --message "$msg"
The image is never shown.
Allowing this would let me use markdown to have both a message and an image at the same time.
Thanks so much! -Chris