Is there anyway to control / scale images or arrange multiple images on one page
I'm currently parsing the iPoints array. In case there are multiple scans with same elevation angle this is some what challenging. This is partially due to the ordering by height...
As the bioRad package uses a lot of gridded data that mostly has a spatial component to it, it might be worth considering to use the `stars` package. The biggest...
I just encountered a data specification that contains hexadecimal coding ( It contains strings like: `11e923067dfdf1485e802752`. As `R` has a base type for `raw` data it might be worth adding...
During package development I notices some errors were very slow to print. I used the test code below (slowness seems to relate to the number of records in `i`). As...
Currently the function forces `...` to be empty while the documentation says they are passed on to `action`: ``` r rlang::check_installed("testpkg","testreason","testarg", action=install.packages) #> Error in `rlang::check_installed()`: #> ! `...` must...
I'm not sure if this is an error of the `vctrs` implementation in `sf` or a problem in `vtrcs`, as the suggestion is to report it here I'll do that...
I have not investigated in detail but it seems this function fails unjustified because the code looks for an object only creates for a csv: ``` r require(bioRad) #> Loading...
I try to animate movement trajectories using gganimate, to zoom in to a relevant (time) section I want to use the time range. However this seems to fail. Here is...
I just encountered this case, it seems `geom_quiver` does not check if the dimensions are equal between X and Y. This causes a problem that the directions of the arrows...