David Barshow
David Barshow
https://github.com/dropbox/amqp-coffee can do this queue.messageCount(queueOptions, callback) rabbit gives this information back during queue declaration.
Ill self promote a little bit and recommend https://github.com/dropbox/amqp-coffee we use it very heavily, like billions of messages a day. Started with node-amqp, and improved reconnecting, and a lots of...
In the rabbit management interface client you can check the the channel you're publishing with is in confirm mode. If its not thats You can also try https://github.com/dropbox/amqp-coffee if you're...
localhost:15672/#/channels there should be a "c" int he Mode column. That indicates that publish confirms are enabled on that channel.
You don't have to be using coffee script, to run amqp-coffee. You can use multiple in parallel, for different publishes. But that should also work for node-amqp.
https://github.com/postwait/node-amqp/blob/master/lib/exchange.js#L91 only happens after exchangeDeclareOk which doesn't happen with no-declare. This is for sure a bug. You can just not use no-declare. You should be able to redeclare a exchange...
This is solved on https://github.com/dropbox/amqp-coffee which is based off node-amqp but has a slightly different api
Good catch on the args[field.name], I think the fix there is just `if args[field.name]?` I am happy to cut a diff or merge a PR in. I am playing with...
published the pr, as far as DirectReplies give me a couple days and I think I can have something working, the issue is channel sharing as you pointed out. The...
Sorry for the super long delay, I'm actually no longer at Dropbox however I do think that moving to something like es6 would be great.