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Epub Ebook manager that can sync collection with a Kindle Paperwhite using LibrarianSync
NOTE: if you are looking for LibrarianSync, it has been moved to its own repository.
Epub Ebook managerwhich can import epub ebooks, rename them from metadata, convert them to mobi, and sync with a Kindle Paperwhite. It can also run queries using all metadata, and add and remove tags which can be converted to Kindle collections with LibrarianSync. There is experimental support to write metadata, and to serve ebooks over http to LibrarianSync on a Kindle. It is in early stages. See disclaimer below.
Quick disclaimer about librarian
librarian is in development and not even close to being stable. This means:
- Expect the commands and database formats to change any time.
- Keep backups of your ebooks, both on your computer and your Kindle.
- librarian is tested on Archlinux, it should work on other distributions/platforms, but then again it may not because reasons.
Table of Contents
- Requirements
- Configuration
- Usage
- Example Commands
- Python 3
- Calibre (librarian relies on ebook-convert, which are part of Calibre)
- pyyaml
- python-lxml
- python-colorama (optional)
librarian uses several special folders, as specified in the configuration file librarian.yaml:
library_root: where all ebooks are kept. More specifically, it will be divided in subfolders:
- import: temporary place to dump ebooks before they are imported into the library proper
- imported: when an ebook is imported (and renamed), a copy of the original is optionnally placed here.
- kindle: a mirror of the library, with all epubs converted into mobis. This is what will be synced with the Kindle.
- library: where all imported ebooks are safely kept.
- kindle_root: where the Kindle is mounted when it is connected by USB. This may depend on your Linux distribution.
- scrape_root: if you have ebooks lying around on a drive at random, for example, scraping it will copy them all into the import subfolder.
An example configuration would be:
Alexandre Dumas Père: Alexandre Dumas
China Mieville: China Miéville
Richard Morgan: Richard K. Morgan
backup_imported_ebooks: true
interactive: true
ebook_filename_template: $a/$a ($y) $t
kindle_documents_subdir: library
kindle_root: /run/media/login/Kindle
library_root: /home/login/ebooks
scrape_root: /home/login/documents
port: 13698
kindle_root and library_root are mandatory. The rest is optional.
interactive decides if importing ebooks is automatic or if manual confirmation is required for each book.
ebook_filename_template is the template for epub filenames inside the library, by default '$a/$a ($y) $t'. Available information are: $a (author), $y (year), $t (title), $s (series), $i (series_index). Refreshing the database automatically applies the template.
The server configuration allows librarian to serve a selection of ebooks over http. It is then possible to use a well configured LibrarianSync to automatically connect, download the ebooks, and update the Kindle collections accordingly.
Note: Only epub ebooks can be added to the library. They are converted to mobi while syncing with the Kindle. If mobi ebooks are present in the import folder, they are converted to epub, then imported. Both the original mobi and the resulting epub are then backed up in the imported folder.
The library database is kept in a Python dictionary saved and loaded as a json file.
Note: if python2 is the default version on your Linux distribution, launch with python3 librarian.
$ librarian -h
usage: librarian [-h] [-i] [-r] [--scrape] [-s [PATH]] [-k] [--serve]
[-f [STRING [STRING ...]]] [-l [STRING [STRING ...]]]
[-x STRING [STRING ...]] [-t TAG [TAG ...]]
[-d TAG [TAG ...]] [-c [COLLECTION]]
[--progress {read,reading,unread}]
[--config CONFIG_FILE] [--readable-db]
Librarian. A very early version of it.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Library management:
Import, analyze, and sync with Kindle.
-i, --import import ebooks
-r, --refresh refresh library
--scrape scrape for ebooks
-s [PATH], --sync [PATH]
sync library (or a subset with --filter or --list)
-k, --kindle when syncing, sync to kindle
--serve serve filtered ebooks over http
Search and tag ebooks. For --list, --filter and --exclude, STRING can
begin with author:, title:, tag:, series: or progress: for a more precise
-f [STRING [STRING ...]], --filter [STRING [STRING ...]]
list ebooks in library matching ALL patterns
-l [STRING [STRING ...]], --list [STRING [STRING ...]]
list ebooks in library matching ANY pattern
-x STRING [STRING ...], --exclude STRING [STRING ...]
exclude ALL STRINGS from current list/filter
-t TAG [TAG ...], --add-tag TAG [TAG ...]
tag listed ebooks in library
-d TAG [TAG ...], --delete-tag TAG [TAG ...]
remove tag(s) from listed ebooks in library
-c [COLLECTION], --collections [COLLECTION]
list all tags or ebooks with a given tag or "untagged"
--progress {read,reading,unread}
Set filtered ebooks as read.
Display and write epub metadata.
Display all or a selection of metadata tags for
filtered ebooks.
--openlibrary Search OpenLibrary for filtered ebooks.
Write one or several field:value metadata.
Configuration options.
--config CONFIG_FILE Use an alternative configuration file.
--readable-db Save the database in somewhat readable form.
While syncing with Kindle, librarian will keep track of previous conversions to the mobi format (for epub ebooks), and of previously synced ebooks on the Kindle, and will try to work no more than necessary.
Syncing means: copy the mobi versions of all filtered ebooks to the Kindle, and remove from the Kindle all previously existing mobis not presently filtered. Do make sure the kindle_documents_subdir of the configuration file only contains ebooks that are inside the library.
Writing metadata is very, very experimental.
Note that if books are imported successfully, a refresh is automatically added. Also, only .epubs and .mobis are imported/scraped, with a preference for .epub when both formats are available.
Example commands
Scrape a directory (specified in the configuration file) and automatically add to the library everything that was found:
./librarian --scrape -i
Refresh the library after adding "Richard Morgan: Richard K. Morgan" to the author aliases in the configuration file, so that all "Richard Morgan" ebooks get renamed as "Richard K. Morgan":
./librarian -r
List all tags and the number of ebooks for each:
./librarian -c
List all yet untagged ebooks:
./librarian -c untagged
Display all ebooks in the library with the tag sf/space opera:
./librarian -f "tag:sf/space opera"
./librarian -c "sf/space opera"
Display all ebooks in the library with the tag sf/space opera, but not the Peter F. Hamilton books you just read:
./librarian -f "tag:sf/space opera" -x hamilton
Display all ebooks in the library with the tag sf/space opera, but not the Peter F. Hamilton books you just read, and also everything by Alexandre Dumas:
./librarian -l tag:opera dumas -x hamilton
Tag as best category and random all ebooks in the library with the tag sf/space opera, but not the Peter F. Hamilton books you just read, and also everything by Alexandre Dumas:
./librarian -l tag:opera dumas -x hamilton -t "best category" random
Change tag from best category to best category! for all ebooks in the library with the tag sf/space opera, but not the Peter F. Hamilton books you just read, and also everything by Alexandre Dumas:
./librarian -l tag:opera dumas -x hamilton -d "best category" -t "best category!"
Sync to your Kindle all ebooks in the library with the tag sf/space opera, but not the Peter F. Hamilton books you just read, and also everything by Alexandre Dumas:
./librarian -l tag:opera dumas -x hamilton -s -k
Serve over http for your Kindle, all ebooks (in .mobi forma) in the library with the tag sf/space opera, but not the Peter F. Hamilton books you just read, and also everything by Alexandre Dumas:
./librarian -l tag:opera dumas -x hamilton --serve -k
Display the title and description for all of your Aldous Huxley ebooks:
./librarian -f author:huxley --info title description
Mark all ebooks by Alexandre Dumas as read:
./librarian -f author:dumas --progress read