Barry Rowlingson
Barry Rowlingson
If I do `srtms[zion]` where: ``` > srtms stars object with 2 dimensions and 1 attribute attribute(s): Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. srtm 1024 1535 1837 1842.548...
I'm familiar with Sweave and Knitr in the R world. If I'm writing student worksheets I like to write the source with question block and answer blocks such that I...
Feature request: is it possible to change the style after creating a layer? I'd like to show a map and then have a drop down of feature names, and then...
The imports: and the scaffolding code stuck in every 'verse seems to be giving them dependencies on cli, crayon, dplyr, purrrr, rstudioapi and tibble - in many cases this would...
It would be nice if this package could produce charts from igraph package objects. I might start writing some conversion functions for contribution if you think its worth it...
Spatial data frames in the current CRAN version of `eurostat` were seemingly made with an old version of `sf` that used a now-deprecated coordinate reference system format: ``` > library(eurostat)...
Addresses issue #1
Feature Request Some slippy map services (Bing maps in particular) use "quadkeys", a way of recursively partitioning the tile space. At the first zoom level, quadkey "0" is the top...
plotKML seems to not be on CRAN anymore, and is archived. I think this is because geoR was archived, and landmap needs geoR, and plotKML needs landmap. I have emailed...
My qgis2web exports to a folder in `/tmp/qgis2web/qgis2web_{date}_etc/` It then starts up the web browser page at `file:///tmp/qgis2web/qgis2web_{date}_etc/index.html` If your browser is running on Linux via the "snap" system (Ubuntu...