This is kind of ironic, this is one of those issues always hounding Google about, every new maps product has this iss. And forgot to do anything about it here...
@JohnK625, see the comment on Can freeze the coordinate for copy/paste purposes
Implemented this in so far as supporting plain decimal degrees (ie 42.954083,-77.05883) - writing a full lat/long parser is too much work for a lazy sunday afternoon. Hopefully soon...
Well there is an option in the API to save markers to your Google maps profile but I havent tied it, so dont know how well it will work.
It shouldnt be two difficult, it has been released as a open-source library, which can be embedded in a API map .. not used it before so dont know...
I can zoom in the new maps.,-0.147259,3a,15y,44.33h,87.09t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sD6pTqcR74dBHSePsPW19qQ!2e0?hl=en either mouse scrollwheel, or the +/- buttons bottom right. ... thanks for the report, not seen that issue before, but indeed can...
You do realise this project is nothing to do with Google? It was the dislike for the 'new' maps that lead to the creation of this :) ... but yes...
Alas not quite that simple, because we have both streetview and map at the same time (for splitscreen view), the 'automatic' sync is broken > Note that if you...
Not really something I want to get involved in, as you say it requires server resources to host the KML file. (technically it might be possible to build a KML...
It does accept (some) URL params, so could setup a bookmark, to always start in a chosen location Example:,-4.3435&z=10&t=m The intention is to allow the divisor to be dragged....