QtScrcpy copied to clipboard
这个功能要怎么使用呢? 目前主要有2种应用,一种是截屏、一种是录屏,但是我发现没有录屏,这个控件选了没有任何效果,我理解的是,点击之后,开始录屏,然后取消后自动保存,但是现实不是,请问下这个要怎么操作呢?
I encountered the same problem as you. Previous versions 1.9.0 can record videos. but the latest version I can't record video. There are no videos saved in the folder I specified. 我遇到了和你一樣的問題。 1.9.0 之前的版本可以錄製視頻。但最新版本無法錄製視頻。我指定的文件夾中沒有保存任何視頻。
start server... open file failed:
AdbProcessImpl::out:/Applications/QtScrcpy.app/Contents/MacOS/scrcpy-server: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 107.2 MB/s (40067 bytes in 0.000s)
AdbProcessImpl::out:[server] INFO: Device: Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro (Android 9)
server start finish in 0.624s
"[FFmpeg] Warning: not compiled with thread support, using thread emulation\n"
1.9.0 can record videos
how do you record on 1.9 please ? i can't see any record button i just can see a screeshot icon, no record. thanks.