barcode-java icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
barcode-java copied to clipboard

Java Barcode Image Generation Library

Results 7 barcode-java issues
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The line 914 in `if ((getLabelPosition().ordinal() & Labels.LabelPositions.TOP.ordinal()) > 0)` Labels.LabelPositions.TOP.ordinal() is 0, So it is always 0. Maybe we just check the enum not enum's value.

The Labels.LabelPositions.TOP.ordinal() is zero. So it could not set label on top.

when the barcode is embedded on some background, the scanner gun will need some "peace space" (white border) in order to recognize the barcode regardless of the background. this should...


Hi Brad I got some error when trying to run the project Is there some settings to make before using it? ![image](

help wanted

When creating a EAN13 with standardized label something is broken with the computation of the white boxes and the font heights. Especially is looks like setFont() is never called internally...

hello, Thanks for the library, I'm using it from quite a long time and it works nice! I was using the 1.x branch and wanted to switch to the latest...
