thermalprinterhelper icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
thermalprinterhelper copied to clipboard

Thermal Printer Helper

Android Arsenal License

Thermal Printer Helper

My aim is to use the simplest way to print from a Bluetooth printer.

#Screen Shots

Works only on supported printers

alt tag

alt tag

alt tag

alt tag

alt tag

alt tag


Step 1

allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url '' }

Step 2

Add dependencies in build.gradle.

    dependencies {
       compile 'com.github.barisatalay:thermalprinterhelper:v1.2.2'

Step 3 (Use of library)

Create BluetoothProvider;

   //Parameter 1: Activity,
   //Paremeter 2: BluetoothCallback interface
   BluetoothProvider bluetoothProvider = new BluetoothProvider(this, this);

Code to connect to the terminal

   //Control of required permissions.
   //Check terminal device pair / unpair control.
   //Connect to BluetoothSocket
   //If don't have any pair devices, if it have permission open devices activity 

If you want print test page


Define the base64Image to print

   //Works only on supported printers

Define the text to print

   bluetoothProvider.printText("This is PRINT EXAMPLE!!!")

Define the byte array to print

   //This value default false

If you do not want to open the terminal device screen use this method

   //This value default false

!!IMPORTANT!! You are must be defined this codes

   <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
   <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
   <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />

##Contact me

If you have a better idea or way on this project, please let me know, thanks :)


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My Linkedin