Behroze Aslam
Behroze Aslam
##Background The proposal aims to solve the [issue ]( beginner users who may struggle with Docker or local service deployment. By providing clearer terminology definitions, step-by-step instructions, and explanations of...
**Summary:** This proposal aims to enhance the user experience and streamline feedback submission on the caMicroscope website by integrating a feedback form directly within the webpage using an API. This...
**Summary:** The proposal aims to convert the existing multi-page website of the camicroscope project into a Single Page Application (SPA) to improve performance, reduce server load, and enhance user experience....
**Description:** The current layout of clickable elements on our system, particularly on medium-sized devices and smaller screens like iPads and mobiles, presents usability challenges. The buttons are positioned too closely...
**Describe the bug** The current website lacks mobile-friendly design elements, particularly in the navigation bar. When accessed via mobile devices, the navigation bar collapses into a single button, making it...
### **Unit Test 1 : Add User function** ## Summary This pull request adds test code using the Jest framework for the `addUser` function in the `Signup.js` file. The tests...
WCA Standards : Enhancing Export Page Responsiveness and Struture ## Summary In [issue]( i have enhanced import form to make it more responsive and optimized code , minimizing CDN dependency...
## Summary In this pull request, I address the issue of inaccessible pages that cannot be accessed directly, thus improving compliance with Web Content Accessibility (WCA) standards. The pages that...
**Describe the bug** Currently, there is a significant security flaw where the admin page can be accessed via URL without requiring login credentials. This flaw enables unauthorized users to access...
## Summary In this pull request, I have addressed and improved upon the following issues: - **Fixed issue** [#860]( This proposal aims to improve the speed and responsiveness of the...