VPNManager icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
VPNManager copied to clipboard

iOS Cocoa Framework for VPN Connection Wrapper

VPNManager cocoapodsCarthage compatible Swift 5.0

How to get started

  • install via CocoaPods
  • Don't you have any VPN Server ? , you can look here : https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-ikev2-vpn-server-with-strongswan-on-ubuntu-18-04-2


platform :ios, '11.0'

# You need to set target when you use CocoaPods 1.0.0 or later.
target 'SampleTarget' do
  pod 'VPNManager'


//Import Framework
import VPNManager

//Create your VPN Manager variable
let vpn = VPNManager.shared
vpn.delegate = self 

//Create your VPN Account and configurations
let vpnAccount = VPNAccount(id: "UNIQUE ID", type: VPNProtocolType.IKEv2, title: "TITLE SEEN IN SETTINGS", server: "IP HERE", account: "bd2147240ab2471d", groupName: "Group Name Of Your VPN", remoteId: "Remote IP Address(Same most of the time)", alwaysOn: true)

//Set your account password and secret
vpnAccount.passwordRef = "YourVPNPassword".data(using: .utf8)
//If you are using IPSec you can use this in order to set secret
vpnAccount.secretRef = "YourVPNSecret".data(using: .utf8)
//Note : If you want to secure you secrets and passwords for your VPN you can use some Keychain wrapper 

//Save and connect your 
vpn.saveAndConnect(account : vpnAccount)

//Only Save account then connect
vpn.save(account : vpnAccount)


//Remove saved Account

//Config On Demand (Connect only on request is made)

Delegate Methods

VPNManagerDelegate Methods:

public func VpnManagerConnectionFailed(error : VPNCollectionErrorType , localizedDescription : String)

This called when connection failed with error type and description

public func VpnManagerConnected()

This method called when connection established successfully

public func VpnManagerDisconnected()

This method called when disconnect action made successfully

public func VpnManagerProfileSaved()

This method called when you save your VPN account

public func VpnManagerProfileDeleted()

This method called when you delete your VPN account


  • Swift 5
  • iOS 11.0 or above.
