Zhigui Bao

Results 18 issues of Zhigui Bao

Hi, @lh3 Do you know why the `paf2bed` will introduce a 1bp shift in the bed? ```bash # paf Chr6 32122276 87652 88005 + NIP-T2T#circ20-354 354 0 353 343 353...

Hi, @tobiasrausch Is there any options in `wally` could turn off the coverage track? If I cannot sort the order of the reads, then each track could be too high...

Hi, @tobiasrausch I just wondering what's logic for order of reads in the `wally region`? Could we specific the order ?

Hi, @lh3 I saw some weird subgraphs in _A.thaliana_ with hundreds of long reads genome. `AT1G31270` looks normal in the reference annotation, but now we find that it should be...

Hi @chfi I already installed MoltenVK and successfully installed `waragraph` with `rust` on macOS wiht M1 MacBook. But after I run the waragraph, it throw a error: ```shell ~/software/waragraph/target/release/waragraph chr1.fasta.gz.0eed25d.c2fac19.5c75112.smooth.final.gfa...

Hi, Alex It's so nice to see tons of updates on `ModDotPlot`. I have a question about the interactive mode. For most plant genomes, its centromere/HOR region is unknown, it...

Hi, If I have multiple input reads, how can I feed it into `VerityMap`? Merge fastq before running or any delimiter to separate files?

Hi, `.sam` is very large for large genomes. Would it be possible to include a option for coverting it to `.bam` with samtools or htslib?