AnchorWave copied to clipboard
Error: could not get output VCF file
Hi, Dr. Song Thank you for the development of the software anchorwav!I used your software to successfully generate the maf file, such as ler.anchors,ler.f.maf,ler.log,ler.maf, but unfortunately did not get the vcf file.
This is my ler.log: setupAnchorsWithSpliceAlignmentResult begin reading reference sam begin reading reference sam done reading qry sam begin using parameters detected from the input SAM file for novel anchors identification reading qry sam end setupAnchorsWithSpliceAlignmentResult done! myAlignmentMatchSort done! anchors generate done! AnchorWave done!
This is my scripts:
anchorwave gff2seq -i ${input_dir}/01_data/Col-PEK.gff -r ${input_dir}/01_data/Col-PEK.fa -o ${input_dir}/05_cds_data/Col_cds.fa minimap2 -x splice -t 10 -k 12 -a -p 0.4 -N 20 ${input_dir}/01_data/Col-CC.fa ${input_dir}/05_cds_data/Col_cds.fa > ${input_dir}/05_cds_data/ref_Col.sam minimap2 -x splice -t 10 -k 12 -a -p 0.4 -N 20 ${input_dir}/01_data/Ler-0.fa ${input_dir}/05_cds_data/Col_cds.fa > ${input_dir}/05_cds_data/sam_Ler.sam
anchorwave genoAli -i ${input_dir}/01_data/Col-PEK.gff -as ${input_dir}/05_cds_data/Col_cds.fa -r ${input_dir}/01_data/Col-PEK.fa -a ${input_dir}/05_cds_data/sam_Ler.sam -ar ${input_dir}/05_cds_data/ref_Col.sam -s ${input_dir}/01_data/Ler-0.fa -v ${input_dir}/04_vcf_data/ler.vcf -n ${input_dir}/04_vcf_data/ler.anchors -o ${input_dir}/04_vcf_data/ler.maf -f ${input_dir}/04_vcf_data/ler.f.maf > ${input_dir}/04_vcf_data/ler.log
error: No ler.vcf file had generated in the ${input_dir}/04_vcf_data/
Since I use your anchorwave to call SV, but tassel converts the format for snp, so I would like to ask if I can generate a VCF file for SV, thank you!
I removed the function to generate VCF file from AnchorWave. You could extract long indel records from the TASSEL GVCF files, if you mean long indel by SV.
I removed the function to generate VCF file from AnchorWave. You could extract long indel records from the TASSEL GVCF files, if you mean long indel by SV.
Thank you for your reply. So what do you think of my idea of using your previous software version to generate vcf files? Or is it better to use tassel?