dynamic-datasource copied to clipboard
Please fill it out carefully, or it will be closed. 请认真填写,不然会直接关闭。
JDK Version(required): jdk8+ SpringBoot Version(required): 2.6.14 dynamic-datasource-spring-boot-starter Version(required): 3.5.1,4.2.0 druid Version(optional): HikariCP
Describe what happened
Expected Result: 期望在关闭数据源时能够优雅,做到业务无损
Actual Result: 在关闭数据源时,会出现数据源连接异常,导致业务损。 以下是4.2.0版本中的源码
public synchronized void removeDataSource(String ds) {
if (!DsStrUtils.hasText(ds)) {
throw new RuntimeException("remove parameter could not be empty");
} else if (this.primary.equals(ds)) {
throw new RuntimeException("could not remove primary datasource");
} else {
if (this.dataSourceMap.containsKey(ds)) {
DataSource dataSource = (DataSource)this.dataSourceMap.remove(ds);
this.closeDataSource(ds, dataSource, this.graceDestroy);
if (ds.contains("_")) {
String group = ds.split("_")[0];
if (this.groupDataSources.containsKey(group)) {
DataSource oldDataSource = ((GroupDataSource)this.groupDataSources.get(group)).removeDatasource(ds);
if (oldDataSource == null) {
log.warn("fail for remove datasource from group. dataSource: {} ,group: {}", ds, group);
log.info("dynamic-datasource - remove the database named [{}] success", ds);
} else {
log.warn("dynamic-datasource - could not find a database named [{}]", ds);
If there is an exception,or aop invalid,please attach the exception trace:
Just paste your stack trace here!
Steps to reproduce
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3