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Constrained Hurdle Gamma Error
@tomicapretto I attempted to used the constrained function on a hurdle gamma model and got a "NotImplementedError: Truncation not implemented for SymbolicRandomVariable MarginalMixtureRV{inline=True}" error.
Hi there! Could you share a basic example? To me, it looks like it's a PyMC thing. With an example I could reproduce the PyMC model and see if the problem is there.
No problem. Try this:
dist_pre = pm.Gamma.dist(mu=9, sigma=10)
draws_pre = pm.draw(dist_pre, draws=40)
dist_post = pm.HurdleGamma.dist(psi=.7, mu=5, sigma=3)
draws_post = pm.draw(dist_post, draws=40)
groups = ['group1'] * 20 + ['group2'] * 20
data = pl.DataFrame({'group':groups, 'pre':draws_pre, 'post':draws_post}).with_columns(pl.all().exclude('group').round(2))
formula = bmb.Formula('constrained(post, 0, 30) ~ group + pre')
model = bmb.Model(formula=formula, data=data.to_pandas(), family='hurdle_gamma', link='log')
idata =
Hey @zwelitunyiswa, I haven't ignored this. Things are a bit busy at work, but I will try to get to it soon. Thanks!
The problem is that truncation is not implemented for mixtures such as the HurdleLogNormal distribution.
import numpy as np
import pymc as pm
dist_pre = pm.Gamma.dist(mu=9, sigma=10)
draws_pre = pm.draw(dist_pre, draws=40)
dist_post = pm.HurdleGamma.dist(psi=.7, mu=5, sigma=3)
draws_post = pm.draw(dist_post, draws=40)
groups = np.asarray(['group1'] * 20 + ['group2'] * 20)
group_names, group_idxs = np.unique(groups, return_inverse=True)
coords = {"group": group_names}
# This works
with pm.Model(coords=coords) as model:
baseline = pm.Normal("baseline", dims="group")
slope = pm.Normal("slope")
mu = pm.math.exp(baseline[group_idxs] + slope * draws_pre)
sigma = pm.HalfNormal("sigma")
psi = pm.Beta("psi", alpha=2, beta=2)
pm.HurdleLogNormal("post", psi=psi, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, observed=draws_post)
idata = pm.sample(tune=100, draws=100, random_seed=1234)
# This does not work
with pm.Model(coords=coords) as model_censored:
baseline = pm.Normal("baseline", dims="group")
slope = pm.Normal("slope")
mu = pm.math.exp(baseline[group_idxs] + slope * draws_pre)
sigma = pm.HalfNormal("sigma")
psi = pm.Beta("psi", alpha=2, beta=2)
pm.HurdleLogNormal.dist(psi=psi, mu=mu, sigma=sigma),
idata = pm.sample(tune=100, draws=100, random_seed=1234)
On top of that, why do you use lower=0
? The support of the distribution you're using already constrains values to be in the [0, infty) interval.