qb-dmv copied to clipboard
ESX Dmvschool Converted to QBCore with added details
ESX DMVSchool Converted to QBCore.
Players Can Take a Theoritical test and get their Permit, they can then take 1 Driving Test each for: Personal Vehicles, Bikes/Motorcycles, and CDL License. Depending on how you want to set it up you can make it so when the player takes the Motorcycle Test it just adds an endorsement to the players Drivers License or you can give the player a Bike License to carry around. Each Type of driving test can have a unique route along with multiple locations for a DMV Ped.
Driving School MLO
DISCLAIMER: This is not my MLO. I just found it on cfx forums and used it as the basis for this script
['permit'] = {['name'] = 'permit', ['label'] = 'Driving Permit', ['weight'] = 0, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'id_card.png', ['unique'] = true,['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = false, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'A Driving permit to show you can drive a vehicle as long as you have a passenger'},
['cdl_license'] = {['name'] = 'cdl_license', ['label'] = 'CDL License', ['weight'] = 0, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'driver_license.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = false, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Permit to show you can drive a Commercial Vehicle.'},
['bike_license'] = {['name'] = 'bike_license', ['label'] = 'Bike License', ['weight'] = 0, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'driver_license.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = false, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Permit to show you can drive a Motorcycle/ATV'},
PlayerData.metadata['licences'] = PlayerData.metadata['licences'] or {
['driver'] = true,
['business'] = false,
['weapon'] = false,
PlayerData.metadata['licences'] = PlayerData.metadata['licences'] or {
['permit'] = false,
['driver'] = false,
['cdl'] = false,
['bike'] = false,
['business'] = false,
['weapon'] = false
RegisterNetEvent('qb-cityhall:server:requestId', function(item, hall)
local src = source
local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
if not Player then return end
local itemInfo = Config.Cityhalls[hall].licenses[item]
if not Player.Functions.RemoveMoney("cash", itemInfo.cost) then return TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, ('You don\'t have enough money on you, you need %s cash'):format(itemInfo.cost), 'error') end
local info = {}
if item == "id_card" then
info.citizenid = Player.PlayerData.citizenid
info.firstname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname
info.lastname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
info.birthdate = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.birthdate
info.gender = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.gender
info.nationality = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.nationality
elseif item == "driver_license" then
info.firstname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname
info.lastname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
info.birthdate = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.birthdate
info.type = "Class C Driver License"
elseif item == "weaponlicense" then
info.firstname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname
info.lastname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
info.birthdate = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.birthdate
return false -- DropPlayer(src, 'Attempted exploit abuse')
if not Player.Functions.AddItem(item, 1, nil, info) then return end
TriggerClientEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', src, QBCore.Shared.Items[item], 'add')
RegisterNetEvent('qb-cityhall:server:requestId', function(item, hall)
local src = source
local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
if not Player then return end
local itemInfo = Config.Cityhalls[hall].licenses[item]
if not Player.Functions.RemoveMoney("cash", itemInfo.cost) then return TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, ('You don\'t have enough money on you, you need %s cash'):format(itemInfo.cost), 'error') end
local info = {}
if item == "id_card" then
info.citizenid = Player.PlayerData.citizenid
info.firstname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname
info.lastname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
info.birthdate = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.birthdate
info.gender = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.gender
info.nationality = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.nationality
elseif item == "driver_license" then
info.firstname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname
info.lastname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
info.birthdate = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.birthdate
info.type = "Class R Driver License"
if Player.PlayerData.metadata['licences']['bike'] then
info.endorsement = 'Motorcycle Endorsement'
info.endorsement = 'None'
elseif item == 'cdl_license' then
info.firstname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname
info.lastname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
info.birthdate = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.birthdate
info.type = "Class A Driver License"
elseif item == 'bike_license' then
info.firstname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname
info.lastname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
info.birthdate = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.birthdate
elseif item == 'permit' then
info.firstname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname
info.lastname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
info.birthdate = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.birthdate
info.type = "Class R Driver License"
elseif item == "weaponlicense" then
info.firstname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname
info.lastname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
info.birthdate = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.birthdate
return DropPlayer(src, 'Attempted exploit abuse')
if not Player.Functions.AddItem(item, 1, nil, info) then return end
TriggerClientEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', src, QBCore.Shared.Items[item], 'add')
Config.Cityhalls = {
{ -- Cityhall 1
coords = vec3(-265.0, -963.6, 31.2),
showBlip = true,
blipData = {
sprite = 487,
display = 4,
scale = 0.65,
colour = 0,
title = "City Services"
licenses = {
["id_card"] = {
label = "ID Card",
cost = 50,
["driver_license"] = {
label = "Driver License",
cost = 50,
metadata = "driver"
["weaponlicense"] = {
label = "Weapon License",
cost = 50,
metadata = "weapon"
Config.Cityhalls = {
{ -- Cityhall 1
coords = vec3(-265.0, -963.6, 31.2),
showBlip = true,
blipData = {
sprite = 487,
display = 4,
scale = 0.65,
colour = 0,
title = "City Services"
licenses = {
["id_card"] = {
label = "ID Card",
cost = 50,
["permit"] = {
label = 'Permit',
cost = 25,
metadata = 'permit',
["cdl"] = {
label = 'CDL',
cost = 75,
metadata = 'cdl',
["bike"] = {
label = 'Bike License',
cost = 50,
metadata = 'bike',
["driver_license"] = {
label = "Driver License",
cost = 50,
metadata = "driver"
["weaponlicense"] = {
label = "Weapon License",
cost = 50,
metadata = "weapon"
If you use qb-inventory
or lj-inventory
go to your-inventory/html/js/app.js and find FormatItemInfo
and add the following:
else if (itemData.name == "cdl_license") {
$(".item-info-title").html("<p>" + itemData.label + "</p>");
"<p><strong>First Name: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.firstname +
"</span></p><p><strong>Last Name: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.lastname +
"</span></p><p><strong>Birth Date: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.birthdate +
"</span></p><p><strong>Licenses: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.type +
} else if (itemData.name == "permit") {
$(".item-info-title").html("<p>" + itemData.label + "</p>");
"<p><strong>First Name: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.firstname +
"</span></p><p><strong>Last Name: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.lastname +
"</span></p><p><strong>Birth Date: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.birthdate +
} else if (itemData.name == "bike_license") {
$(".item-info-title").html("<p>" + itemData.label + "</p>");
"<p><strong>First Name: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.firstname +
"</span></p><p><strong>Last Name: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.lastname +
"</span></p><p><strong>Birth Date: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.birthdate +
If you don't want the bike license and instead want a Motorcycle Endorsemeonet
on your Driver License then replace the driver_license
line with this one:
else if (itemData.name == "driver_license") {
$(".item-info-title").html("<p>" + itemData.label + "</p>");
"<p><strong>First Name: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.firstname +
"</span></p><p><strong>Last Name: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.lastname +
"</span></p><p><strong>Birth Date: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.birthdate +
"</span></p><p><strong>Licenses: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.type +
"<p><strong>Endorsements: </strong><span>" +
itemData.info.endorsement +
Find the GiveItem Command and add:
elseif itemData["name"] == "permit" then
info.firstname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname
info.lastname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
info.birthdate = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.birthdate
elseif itemData["name"] == "cdl_license" then
info.firstname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname
info.lastname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
info.birthdate = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.birthdate
elseif itemData["name"] == "bike_license" then
info.firstname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname
info.lastname = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
info.birthdate = Player.PlayerData.charinfo.birthdate
If you want the endorsement for the drivers license then remove the bike_license line and instead add the following to the drivers license line:
if Player.PlayerData.metadata['licences']['bike'] then
info.endorsement = 'Motorcycle Endorsement'
info.endorsement = 'None'
That should be all for the installation. Now just start the server up and enjoy!
New Details
- [x] Different Routes for each type of test.
Planned Details
- [ ] Make it so players must be in starting vehicle to complete the drivers test
Contact Me
If you have any questions or any problems please don't hesitate to message me Bama94#1994. If you have any fixes for something, just put in a PR Request if you have any issues, your more than welcome to put in a ticket issue here, but It's less likely for me to respond