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:gem: Retrieve CS:GO float values in JavaScript


Retrieve CS:GO float values in JavaScript

npm i -S csgo-float


Only one request can be done at a time by each client. You'll have to wait for the first request to be processed before sending another one.

new FloatClient(clientAuth, debug)

clientAuth {Object} SteamUser credentials to login / SteamClient

debug {Boolean} Print some useful informations

// Init a client using a credentials object
const client = new FloatClient({
  account_name: 'yeah',
  password: 'this-is',
  auth_code: 'definitely',
  sha_sentryfile: 'right'
}, true)

// Or by passing an existing SteamClient instance
// that should be connected and logged.
const steamClient = new SteamClient()
const client = new FloatClient(steamClient)

Returns a Promise.

Where url is a string formatted like S76561198190349706A4757476613D16467978012840927110.

  .then(floatValue => console.log(floatValue))
  .catch(err => console.log(err))

ready Emitted once the client is ready to receive float requests

sentry The user is authenticated and the account sentry is sent, should be saved somewhere

error Once an error is triggered


This would not exists without the help of @Twewki.