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My solutions for Parallel, Concurrent and Distributed Programming in Java (Rice university)

Parallel, Concurrent and Distributed programming in Java

These are my solutions to these three courses. Below I added short comments to each week so that I remember better what it's about and that you, the reader, could have a better idea too.

Parallel programming in Java

Week 0

Preparation week. The purpose is to test your environment. No actual task to do.

Week 1 ForkJoin

In this week we need to calculate reciprocal array sum. We're using Java's ForkJoin framework to parallelize our calculations. There are different ways to interact with the ForkJoin framework, and in this week we're extending RecursiveAction and overriding compute() method. In compute() method we determine current size of the current range of the that we need to process. If it's small enough, we are processing it immediately. Otherwise, we divide it into two parts (left and right) and process them recursively.

The minimal threshold value determines how many ForJoin tasks we will totally create. Notice that I didn't manage to pass the tests locally and I didn't submit the solution to the Coursera grader. Many students reported the same problem on the forums. Still, there was a significant improvement over the linear execution, just not as big as expected by the creators of the homework.

Week 2 Streams

This week we're using Java Streams API to build a pipeline that computes some student analytics. Nothing difficult here, you just need to understand which data type you have at each pipeline stage and convert data types accordingly if needed.

Week 3 PCDP

This week we are learning how to use PCDP library (a library developed to teach parallel computations) to parallelize matrix multiplications. Again, the task is trivial as you only need to replace one method name with another.

Week 4 Fuzzy phasers

In this week we explore the functionality of fuzzy phasers. The idea is that if we have an array which average sum we need to compute, we can split work into N tasks and do it concurrently. The improvement is that a task i only has to for for tasks i-1 and i+1 to complete. To achieve that, we use N phasers and we call their methods arrive() and awaitAdvance(int phase). Notice here since we run multiple iterations over the same array, this phase number keeps growing and it's crucially important to keep track of the current phase.

    1 2 3
     \ /
    1 2 3

This illustrates that task 2 depends on completion of tasks 1 and 3.

Concurrent programming in Java

Week 1 Locks

In this week we were introduced to locks, the basic primitive for synchronization. Java's synchronized keyword is pretty much the same lock that guards the whole method. Lock, however, can be made more granular. In this week we applied ReadWrite lock to benefit from the fact that read only methods can have concurrent access to the data, while read-and-write methods should be guarded by a lock.

Week 2 Isolation

This week we are introduced to the concepts of critical sections, atomic variables and isolation. Being a more high-level synchronization construct, isolation allows for simpler semantics providing the same or even better level of efficiency. To make things faster in the homework, we use PCDP library and object-level isolation, not global isolation.

Week 3 Actors

This week we are introduced to the concept of actors. To explain it in my own words, actors are independent units of computation that you can communicate with using send method. In the miniproject we need to implement the famous Sieve of Eratosthenes using actors. To do that, we create a chain of actors that one-by-one check whether a given number is divisible by the range of numbers, assigned to the given actor. To make it more efficient, a single actor is assigned a bunch of numbers, e.g. 1000, not just one.

Week 4

This week we are introduced to concurrent data structures. In the miniproject we need to implement Boruvka's algorithm that builds Minimum Weighted Spanning Tree (MST). The implementation should use granular locks (one per node) to secure access from multiple threads.

Distributed programming in Java

Week 1 Distributed Map Reduce

In this week we need to calculate PageRank using Spark tools to split data and process it by chunks, a more advanced Map-Reduce model.

Week 2 Client-server programming

In this week we are introduced to the concept of client-server networking, specifically to sockets. We need to implement a simple file server that serves file over a socket by HTTP protocol.

Week 3 Message passing

This week we are using MPI to distribute matrix calculation. We send the whole two matrices to all available instances and on each instance we calculate only those rows that correspond to the current instance. When we're done, we send results back and collect the resulting matrix.

Week 4 Combining distribution and multi-threading

This week is basically the same as week 2 but now we need to execute each request in a separate thread.


2017-2018, Yuri Bochkarev