Test 2 node (80 core) job submitted.
80 core test job worked.
user informed about Kathleen installation.
``` /shared/ucl/apps/comsol/ ``` is the location for EEE COMSOL installations. The COMSOL 6.1 installer is in: ``` /shared/ucl/apps/pkg-store/ ``` on both Myriad and Kathleen.
We have a build script for 6.1 but this is for the Chem Eng installation. Will need to copy and modify for EEE.
Myriad install progressing running: ``` ./comsol-6.1_EEE_install 2>&1 | tee ~/Software/COMSOL/comsol-6.1_EEE_install.log ``` from the _ccspapp_ account. It is quite slow and will be even slower on Katrhleen.
It took about 30 minutes for the install to complete. Looks Ok: ``` ========================== = Post Build Info = ========================== Package label: comsol/6.1 Build took place in: /dev/shm/comsol-build.akqQtLR83X Modules were...
Module file done. Now need to test if it works against the EEE License Manager.
I can't use my account for testing as I'm not in the correct group (I'm in the Chem Eng one) so I will use _ccspapp_
Test job submitted: ``` job-ID prior name user state submit/start at queue slots ja-task-ID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999883 0.00000 Comsol_par ccspapp qw 08/22/2023 18:11:35 8 ```