Unpacked all 6 archives. Looks like documentation can be installed from: ``` ./2024/AM_SIM_Abaqus_Extend.AllOS/1/ ``` and the Linux version from: ``` ./2024/AM_SIM_Abaqus_Extend.AllOS/5/SIMULIA_EstablishedProducts/Linux64/1/ ``` In both there's a _StartGUI.sh_ install script.
Both the installers for 2023 and 2024 will not run on RedHat 7. I have been investigating a possible workaround while may or may not work.
I've managed to get the installed ABAQUS 2024 onto Myriad. I'm currently testing using the following module files: ``` module use --append /home/ccaabaa/lib/modulefiles/applications module -f unload compilers mpi gcc-libs module...
Neither ABAQUS 2023 or 2024 will run on RedHat 7. We will need to wait until the cluster are updated to RedHat 9 which is due to take place sometime...
I will make a build script and do a central install on the Clusters starting with Myriad.
Build script done and running on Myriad from the _ccspapp_ account: ``` ./ImageMagick-7.1.1_install 2>&1 | tee ~/Scratch/ImageMagick/ImageMagick-7.1.1_install.log ```
the build script has run without errors. Need to create a module file next and then test with R
I've found an error in the build and so need to fix the build script and rerun
OK ImageMagick is now working standalone. Tomorrow will test with our R bundle.
Test looks ok: ``` module unload compilers mpi gcc-libs module load r/r-4.3.3_bc-3.18 module load imagemagick/7.1.1/gnu-10.2.0 [ccaabaa@login13 ~]$ R R version 4.3.3 (2024-02-29) -- "Angel Food Cake" Copyright (C) 2024 The...