CFX and Fluent test jobs run successfully on Myriad with 2024 R1
ANSYS Mechanical test job failing with: ``` OMP: Error #100: Fatal system error detected. OMP: System error #22: Invalid argument forrtl: error (76): Abort trap signal ``` suggestions online suggest...
I'm chasing Mech Eng IT Support about this.
email sent to Mech Eng IT Support asking for 2023 Linux installers.
I have a response from Mech Eng IT support: > Hi Brian, > > I have downloaded Abaqus 2023 package for all OS, do you have somewhere I can upload...
I've set up a Myriad account for one of the Mech Eng IT support people and suggested they scp the installer to their Myriad Scratch directory. I’m now waiting for...
Nothing so I'm going to chase Mech Eng about this again. Will probably contact the license holder this time.
I have sent an email to the license holder.
I've finally got the ABAQUS 2023 and 2024 Linux installers - approx. 16G each. They are on my laptop at the the moment. I've started transferring them to Myriad which...
The ABAQUS 2023 and 2024 Linux installer archives are now on Myriad in the _ccspapp_ application management account: ``` /home/ccspapp/Scratch/Software/ABAQUS ```