
Results 500 comments of balston

I have built ABINIT 9.10.3 on Kathleen with the Intel 2022 compilers and MPI in case this helps with the Yambo build. The modules needed for this version of ABINIT...

I'm trying a build in my _~/Scratch/Software/Yambo/build_ directory using a slightly modified local copy of the build script logging all the output from the build process.

I'm attempting to build OpenMPI 4.1.1 with the Intel 2022 compilers on Myriad. ``` ./openmpi-4.1.1-intel-2022_install 2&1 | tee ~/Software/OpenMPI/openmpi-4.1.1-intel-2022_install.log-1 ``` from the _ccspapp_ account.

Build of OpenMPI 4.1.1 finished on Myriad - no obvious errors. Now building on Kathleen.

module file ready and uploaded to Myriad and Kathleen. Can now try and install Crystal 23.

I've got a build script for both the serial and the basic parallel versions of CRYSTAL23 which I've run on Kathleen from the _ccspapp_ account: ``` cd /shared/ucl/apps/build_scripts/ ./crystal23-1.0.1_install 2>&1...

module file now uploaded to Kathleen. Use the following module commands to access CRYSTAL23: ``` module unload compilers mpi gcc-libs module load gcc-libs/10.2.0 module load compilers/intel/2022.2 module load mpi/openmpi/4.1.1/intel-2022 module...