Instead I've used to option to download the _gurobi.lic_ file direct from the license portal. This may work.
I've uploaded the downloaded license file to the RH8 license server, put it in /usr/local/gurobi/gurobi.lic, stopped the LM and started the 11.0 LM. A test job running version 9.2.x on...
Build script _Gurobi-11.0.0_install_ ready in GitHub buildscripts repo and pulled onto Myriad. Ran on Myriad OK. Next step is to produce a module file.
module file done and pulled onto Myriad. Test Gurobi 11.0.0 job successfully run on Myriad,
User informed.
user responded with thanks. Assuming everything is working.
I'm checking if R 4.0.2 has this problem using the same example files that we've used before for testing.
R 4.0.2 (which uses Open MPI 3.1.5 and GNU 9.2.0) snow jobs on Myriad (12 cores) and Kathleen (80 cores/2 nodes) work without modifications.
I think the ob1 setting was just copied from the R 4.0.2 module file.
The build script that needs to be updated to include the RMPISNOW fixes is: ``` ../build_scripts/R-4.1.1_MPI_install ``` in the build scripts repro.