IN05989442 Another request for the latest version.
Also need this: and HDF5?
I have a first attempt at a build script which I'm now running on Myriad from the _ccspapp_ account: ``` module -f unload compilers mpi ./SRA-tools-3.0.6_install 2>&1 | tee ~/Software/SRA-tools/SRA-tools-3.0.6_install.log-1...
It didn't get very far. It is picking up the wrong version of cmake. It used the version in /usr/bin and not the module one?
Fixed the CMAKE issue so its using the version from the cmake/3.21.1 module. I'm now getting the following error: ``` configured with: "'--prefix=/shared/ucl/apps/ncbi/ncbi-vdb/3.0.6/gnu-4.9.2' '--with-hdf5-prefix=/shared/ucl/apps/hdf/5-1.10.5/gnu-4.9.2' '--with-xml2-prefix=/shared/ucl/apps/libxml2/2.9.4/gnu-4.9.2'" mkdir -p /home/ccspapp/ncbi-outdir/ncbi-vdb/linux/gcc/x86_64/rel/obj cd /home/ccspapp/ncbi-outdir/ncbi-vdb/linux/gcc/x86_64/rel/obj;...
Yes reading the output log a bit more carefully the build process is writing files to here: ``` /home/ccspapp/ncbi-outdir/ncbi-vdb/linux/gcc/x86_64/rel/obj ``` and there is a CMakeCache.txt cache file here. This needs...
I managed to resolve the CMAKE problems now.
My latest attempt to build failed with compilation errors but looking at the logs: ``` checking for gcc... gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44) ``` it's picking up the...
I've sorted out it picking up the wrong compilers by editing after the two config steps the resulting _Makefile.env_ files in the two build directories. Setting both -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER and -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER...
Switching to GNU 10.2.0 compilers seems to have resolved the issue. I've been building in my Scratch so will now have to update the real build script and run from...