Work on this is blocked until Young's filestore is fixed and the cluster returned to service.
To generate the info needed to be sent to SCM, need to do the following on a few nodes and the login nodes: ``` module load ams/2023.101 dirac check ```...
I've sent the request for a license file for AMS on Young to SCM. Details of. what was sent and to whom have been added as a note to the...
We now have a temporary license file for Young which will last until 2nd September as the person at SCM that Chem Eng were liaising with is on leave at...
The license file is now in: ``` /shared/ucl/apps/AMS/ams2023.101/license.txt ``` on Young. I'm now running the _dirac check_ command on a number of nodes to see if it is picked up.
Here's the output from running: ``` dirac check ``` on login01: ``` License file: /shared/ucl/apps/AMS/ams2023.101/license.txt Account: XXXXX / Chemical Engineering / University College London / Uni ted Kingdom 2023-08-02 23:30:07...
I've checked a random sample of compute nodes and they all report similar to the above. I think the license is working but is currently restricted to Type C nodes...
Requesters have been informed.
User has confirmed that AMS is working on Young.
AMS is working but their current project is complete. Waiting to see if they can get more funding.