
Results 500 comments of balston

I now have a set of modules that JAGURS can build with: ``` module load beta-modules module -f unload compilers mpi gcc-libs module load gcc-libs/10.2.0 module load compilers/gnu/10.2.0 module load...

I've founds some sample date and it includes a generic job script. Getting it onto Myriad now.

I ran the example data using a modified form of the MPI/OpenMP hybrid example job script: and it seems to work correctly. I've now got a build script ready...

build script run as _ccspapp_: ``` cd /shared/ucl/apps/build_scripts module -f unload compilers mpi gcc-libs ./JAGURS-V0516_install 2>&1 | tee ~/Software/JAGURS-V0516_install.log ``` with no errors. Now to produce a module file and...

module file and module bundle created and uploaded to Myriad. Test job submitted.

Seems to be working OK. Using a job script like this: ``` #!/bin/bash -l # Run the MPI version of JAGURS on Myriad with sample data from here: # #...

Installation on Young using the _ccspapp_ account and group owned by the _legams_ group. ``` cd /shared/ucl/apps mkdir -p AMS chgrp legams AMS chmod o-rwx AMS cd AMS tar -xvf...

Checked that access from a normal user account (mine) is denied: ``` ls -l /shared/ucl/apps/AMS ``` gives: ``` ls: cannot open directory /shared/ucl/apps/AMS: Permission denied ``` success! Next step is...

I've created and uploaded the module file ready for the next step which is to set up the license. Module file when AMS is licensed is: ``` module load ams/2023.101...