Submitted a longer GPU example job on Myriad - 4 A100 GPUs and 8 MPI procs
My 4 A100 GPUs and 8 MPI procs example works.
I have informed the User who wanted the GPU version on Myriad.
The request for the CPU only variant was from IN06568900 also for Young. Running the default test suite on Kathleen of this variant has finished. I will now run the...
build of the CPU variant on Young has completed. Will run the tests tomorrow.
CPU variant job to run default test suite submitted on Young: ``` job-ID prior name user state submit/start at queue slots ja-task-ID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1356143 0.00000 QE-7.3.1_C ccspapp qw 04/26/2024 09:47:48...
CPU tests ran successfully so producing module file.
module file done and pulled to Young and Kathleen. User wanting the CPU variant informed.
build of CPU variant finished on Myriad late yesterday. Will now run test suite.
CPU/MPI variant test suite job submitted on Myriad: ``` job-ID prior name user state submit/start at queue slots ja-task-ID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 571215 0.00000 QE-7.3.1_C ccspapp qw 04/30/2024 10:18:43 4 ```