module-ballerina-tcp copied to clipboard
Ballerina socket module
Ballerina TCP Library
This library provides a client-server implementation for sending/receiving messages to/from another application process (local or remote) for connection-oriented protocols.
The tcp:Client
is used to connect to a socket server and interact with it.
The client can send the data to the server and retrieve the data from the server.
A client can be defined by providing the remoteHost
and the remotePort
A simple client code is as follows.
import ballerina/tcp;
public function main() returns error? {
tcp:Client socketClient = check new("localhost", 3000);
string msg = "Hello Ballerina";
byte[] msgByteArray = msg.toBytes();
check socketClient->writeBytes(msgByteArray);
readonly & byte[] receivedData = check socketClient->readBytes();
check socketClient->close();
The tcp:Listener
is used to listen to the incoming socket request. The onConnect(tcp:Caller)
remote method gets invoked when a new client is connected. The new client is represented using the tcp:Caller
. The onConnect(tcp:Caller)
method may return tcp:ConnectionService|tcp:Error
The tcp:ConnectionService
can have the following remote methods
onBytes(readonly & byte[] data) - This remote method is invoked once the content is received from the client.
onError(readonly & tcp:Error err) - This remote method is invoked in an error situation.
onClose() - This remote method is invoked when the connection is closed.
A tcp:Listener
can be defined as follows:
import ballerina/tcp;
import ballerina/io;
import ballerina/log;
service on new tcp:Listener(3000) {
remote function onConnect(tcp:Caller caller) returns tcp:ConnectionService {
io:println("Client connected to echoServer: ", caller.remotePort);
return new EchoService();
service class EchoService {
remote function onBytes(readonly & byte[] data) returns byte[]|tcp:Error? {
// echo back the data to the client
return data;
remote function onError(tcp:Error err) returns tcp:Error? {
log:printError("An error occurred", 'error = err);
remote function onClose() returns tcp:Error? {
io:println("Client left");
Using the TLS protocol
The Ballerina TCP module allows the use of TLS in communication. This expects a secure socket to be set in the connection configuration as shown below.
Configuring TLS in server side
tcp:ListenerSecureSocket listenerSecureSocket = {
key: {
certFile: "../resource/path/to/public.crt",
keyFile: "../resource/path/to/private.key"
service on new tcp:Listener(9002, secureSocket = listenerSecureSocket) {
isolated remote function onConnect(tcp:Caller caller) returns tcp:ConnectionService {
return new EchoService();
Configuring TLS in client side
tcp:Client socketClient = check new ("localhost", 9002, secureSocket = {
cert: "../resource/path/to/public.crt",
Issues and projects
Issues and Projects tabs are disabled for this repository as this is part of the Ballerina Standard Library. To report bugs, request new features, start new discussions, view project boards, etc. please visit Ballerina Standard Library parent repository.
This repository only contains the source code for the package.
Building from the source
Setting up the prerequisites
Download and install Java SE Development Kit (JDK) version 17 (from one of the following locations).
Building the source
Execute the commands below to build from source.
To build the package:
./gradlew clean build
To run the tests:
./gradlew clean test
To run a group of tests
./gradlew clean test -Pgroups=<test_group_names>
To build the without the tests:
./gradlew clean build -x test
To debug package implementation:
./gradlew clean build -Pdebug=<port>
To debug with Ballerina language:
./gradlew clean build -PbalJavaDebug=<port>
Publish the generated artifacts to the local Ballerina central repository:
./gradlew clean build -PpublishToLocalCentral=true
Publish the generated artifacts to the Ballerina central repository:
./gradlew clean build -PpublishToCentral=true
Contributing to Ballerina
As an open source project, Ballerina welcomes contributions from the community.
For more information, go to the contribution guidelines.
Code of conduct
All contributors are encouraged to read the Ballerina Code of Conduct.
Useful links
- For more information go to the
library. - For example demonstrations of the usage, go to Ballerina By Examples.
- Chat live with us via our Discord server.
- Post all technical questions on Stack Overflow with the #ballerina tag.